Hawaiian Big Island Waikoloa Petroglyphs

Some petroglyphs date as far back as to the 16th century, The word “Petroglyph” comes from the Greek words, “petros” for rock, and “glyphein” to carve, Hawaiians call this form of rock art “k’i’i pohaku“, or images in stone.

The Waikoloa petroglyph preserve is one of the two petroglyph fields north of Kailua-Kona (south Kohala). Keep on the designated trail through the lava field to see petroglyphs scattered on the rock face in all directions. Some petroglyphs are recognisable as figures or birds, humans or canoes, as well as cryptic dots and lines. Western influences appear in the form of horses and English initials.
Other nearby petroglyph fields are the Pukao Petroglyph field and the Pu’u Loa petroglyphs near Volcano Village.
To reach the Waikaloa Petroglyphs, from Kailua-Kona, take Highway 19 north for 25 minutes to the first stop light after the airport, and turn left towards the Waikoloa beach resorts. Continue for about a quarter mile and then turn right at the first parking lot next to the gas/petrol station, park and then walk to the right of the station and pick up the Kings trail (also known as the Kiholo Puako trail).
The petroglyphs are located is about a quarter of a mile north of the Waikoloa Kings Shops, located on the Kings walking trail.
When visiting, stay on the designated path and do not touch the petroglyphs. Early morning or late afternoon are the best times to photograph the petroglyphs.
The Waikaloa Petroglyph Field is right in the middle of a golf course, which makes for an interesting location to visit in the middle of a resort area. Look out for golf balls when visiting!
There is a flock of Hawwaiian nene that lives in the golf course area, near the petroglyph area to look out for. The official state bird of Hawaii, the nene is the rarest goose breed in the world.
Read more about petroglyph sites.
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