I was a bit hesitant to try my kids out on SunMoon fruit products.
Let me be more specific.
I was a bit hesitant to try Hunter out on SunMoon fruit products.
You see, Carter (1.5 years old) is an eat-with-gusto kinda kid. He’s awesome with food. I can chuck anything vaguely edible in front of him, and he will gobble it up with SO much glee that he makes eating steamed carrots look like the most delicious chocolate on earth. No, I had no worries about Carter there.
But Hunter. Hunter (3 years old) is very good with fruit – that part is true. My kids are both pretty deprived of sugary snacks, so to Hunter, fruit is a total snack attack! BUT, he’s very picky and petulant. One day he’ll like kiwi, the next day he won’t. Ad infinitum with all other fruits. So I was very interested to see how a picky eater would fare with SunMoon fruit products.
But guess what we have here?

Eating fruit! With gusto! Self-feeding, even!! TRIPLE WHAMMY, WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAAM!!
I am very pleased, and you can read on below for detailed reviews of their products, as well as my tips on more exciting ways to eat their fruit cups.
But for now, we have some goody bags to giveaway!!
SunMoon are giving away five goody bags (worth $30 each)!
a BWMB giveaway
You can submit some of the entries more than once a day, so come back tomorrow to get more entries in the draw.
Giveaways will run from 25 April – 1 May 2014 inclusive.
Winner’s entry(s) will be verified according to the entry criteria(s).
Winner may collect their goody bag at the SunMoon office in Singapore.

So, above, we have the boys tussling over one packet of SunMoon fruit crisps. Carter (obviously) loves them. But the weird thing is that Hunter loves them too. And I mean, LOVE. Why is this weird? It’s weird because Hunter doesn’t actually like dried fruit – I’ve never had any success introducing it to him.
But when I wave a packet of these babies around, he gets all excited and will pretty much do anything to get his hot lil hands on a packet. Inside consists of 100% fresh fruit that has been freeze dried. This means it preserves all the nutritional goodness of the fresh fruit without the use of any preservatives and flavorings. Basically, it’s feeding your kids whole fruit – inclusive of all the fibre goodness.
Also, he particularly adores the packets with strawberries in it. Weird again, because he hates fresh strawberries! But he will eagerly pick out allllll the strawberries in the packet and stuff them into his mouth with a happy grin. I’m actually very pleased about this fact, because we all know how berries are really good for young kids (and adults), so it’s my sneaky way of making sure he eats his berries.

Then there’s the SunMoon fruit cups. With no articial preservatives, flavouring, or colourings, and ZERO sugar added, these are a fab little healthy snack of juicy goodness. They come in convenient little grab-and-go disposable cups with spoons attached.
Sold in a twin-pack at SG$1.90. Flavours include Peach, Seasonal Mixed Fruits, Mandarin Orange.

I tried to take a shot of the SunMoon fruit cup, but by now, Hunter and Carter were privvy to the goodness of this brand (they’d already had the fruit crisps), and were climbing over my back (!!!) to grab these.
So this photo was the best one I got.

They’re pretty kid-proof when sealed, so Hunter couldn’t open it up by himself. Just as well because the fruit chunks come floating in 100% apple juice, which I didn’t want spilling everywhere.
The fruit is juicy, sweet, and refreshing. I always imagined pre-packaged fruit to be mushy and have a weird taste or aftertaste, but this has none. The cute individual cup packaging kinda tricks my kids into thinking they’re awesome snacks, so they gobble up their fruit oh-so-merrily.

Here’s what I like to do with our SunMoon fruit cups:
- Eat them as-is – well, duh!
- Mix in yogurt – I mix with plain greek yogurt because the fruit adds a lovely sweetness to it, and it’s a super healthy breakfast.
- Sprinkle on top of cereal – fruit on cornflakes, mixed with a bit of milk. Yummy power breakfast!
- Sprinkle on top of vanilla ice cream – for a real decadent after-dinner treat.
- Make a fruity milkshake – simply pop it in the blender with some milk or yogurt, and a squeeze of honey.
And guess what? From 18 April to 9 May, you can Buy 2 and Get 1 FREE at all Sheng Shiong & NTUC Fair Price outlets.
The SunMoon fruit cups and fruit crisps range is available at Sheng Siong, NTUC Fairprice, selected SPC & Caltex stations, SunMoon retail and online stores.
Thanks SunMoon!