We had some wonderful news as we flew into New York. Buffy was found! The little scamp had gone wolf in the bush for two weeks. She had made a den in some used car parts down the back of the pet sitter’s property. The son saw her and tried to catch her, but because she tried tried to bite him (!!!) he had to trap her. Unbelievable. She’s looking pretty good for two weeks in the wild. She’s lost 1.5kgs (from under 5kgs anyway!) but is otherwise fine. Miracle!!
Help Bring Buffy Home
I just found out the devastating news that while we were on holiday in Hawaii, my 8 yr old Havanese, Buffy, escaped from her pet sitter back home in Sydney. Please help me find her.
NAME: Buffy
LAST SEEN: Lot 10 Minerva Rd, Wedderburn, NSW, Sydney, Australia where she was staying with her pet sitter.
DATE MISSING: Dec 15th, 2012
COLOUR: Yellow/blonde
BREED: Havanese
AGE: 8 yrs
SEX: Female, desexed
SIZE: Small toy – weighs under 5 kgs.
TEMPERAMENT: Extremely friendly and good natured.
CONTACT: Owen and Kay Knight, 02 96020661. Address: 12 Hope St, Warwick Farm. Email either myself at clknight@gmail.com or my parents at okayknight@gmail.com.
Please keep an eye out for this tiny, very beloved dog. She has been missing for 12 days now and the situation does not look good.
Thanks for any tweets, shares etc.

A Very Poochy Christmas
Getting into the Christmas spirit.
Welcome Summer!
Sydney is suddenly tropical. Stinking hot days, followed by days of non-stop rain.
I can’t wait till Christmas this year. After last year’s insanity of planning a wedding, this year is looking calm and relaxed by comparison.
RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2010
My favourite day of the year isn’t my birthday, it isn’t Christmas, and, despite what Alec thinks, it’s not the chocolate holiday otherwise known as Easter. It’s actually the annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk.
I’ve attended the walk for the past six or so years since Kahlua came to live with us. I’m not sure how much the dogs actually enjoy going and being around thousands of other dogs and people, but it’s one of my highlights every year because it’s the one day where you get to see so many animals lovers en masse.
I am a huge supporter of the RSPCA and have a difficult time hearing about how cruel people can be to animals and the numbers that are dumped and put to an early death every year. This one day is the day that restores my belief that there are also a lot of people out there like me and Alec who really love animals. This year the walk is at Homebush again, starting at the Olympic Cauldron.
Hawaii Honeymoon: Kauai Part 1
For a change of pace we spent our second week on Kauai. We stayed in a boutique hotel on the beach in Poipu. We had a gorgeous view from the window and it was amazing falling asleep and waking up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore.
Staying on the beach allowed for many walks in different lights. Thanks for being such a good model Alec 🙂
We also stayed right on a beach with great snorkeling. The water was crystal clear, so we had perfect visibility. There was a surprising amount of fish as well – in amazing colours. The fish were really relaxed about us snorkeling all around them, letting us get really close.
Woof – The Dogs Settle In
I’m loving having the dogs living with us. They’re settling in more and more and their personalities are coming out again. Kahlua has been extremely happy as well (she can be moody and depressed, so it’s great seeing her so happy all the time). I play games with Kahlua each morning when we get up. She likes playing fetch with her rope – I captured her playing in the little videos below.
The Menagerie
The animals are totally nuts. Some days it feels like I’m living in a bad Cesar Milan episode. If only he would come and sort out the craziness for us … Still, they are super cute.
The Pooches Are Here!
The doggies moved in on the weekend – cue sleepless nights and animal chaos!
The girls went a bit nuts for a few hours, then Kahlua settled down, and Buffy continued to go nuts. Once she discovered the cat, she wouldn’t settle. She was determined that they would be BFFs. Xenia however is completely traumatised and wants nothing to do with the dogs. Hopefully they will eventually sort it out among themselves. The good thing is none of them want to hurt each other, so that gives me hope for a successful animal integration.
Out and About, February
I’ve been a bit behind with blogging since we moved. Thankfully we have internet at home again now, so I’m back in the land of digital communication.
Jamie and Lisa’s Valentine’s Day Massacre party last weekend – it was 1920s themed.