Adventure, baby!

Month: December 2013

Christmas in NYC

2013 was my very first year spending Christmas away from my parents. The airfares were just so expensive for three people that we decided to go home at a different time when the prices were a lot lower and spend the holiday season in New York. New York is just beautiful over Christmas. In Australia it’s always hot over Christmas, so I was really looking forward to enjoying Christmas in true winter, with cold-weather food, clothing, decorations and traditions.

New York does everything big and bold, and Christmas is no exception. Trees and lights start to sprout all over the city following Thanksgiving. The biggest is of course the Rockefeller tree, but there are trees all over the city, with tree lightings and caroling in a lot of the small neighbourhoods in the lead up to Christmas. Santa likes to visit all the ‘hoods as well, from the famous Santa at Macy’s to the lesser-known ones that pop up in the smaller ‘hoods for breakfast with the kids.

Since Missy E is a very … inquisitive toddler, we decided to forgo a tree this year (mostly because I just didn’t want to have to put the ornaments back on it over and over and over again). Instead we chose a little felt tree from Etsy, with felt ornaments, that E could decorate herself repeatedly. It did the charm, as this year was the year she decided Christmas trees were the best thing ever. Christmas Eve we placed a few gifts around the felt tree to surprise E with in the morning.

Christmas Day -

Our present opening in the morning was truly a high tech experience, with my parents skyping in from Sydney to enjoy the festivities with us. It was so lovely that they could still enjoy being with us from afar. It was really difficult for me being away from home this year. I really missed being with my family on Christmas Day, and we decided that next year we will save up so we can afford the airfare home for Christmas.

Doll house -

After present opening (the biggest hits for E were the  doll house, train set and guitar), we attempted to get E to nap before lunch. After a few hours with no napping for the hyper toddler, we set off into the city, walking over the Brooklyn Bridge to get her to take a stroller nap. It was a brisk day, with a high of -5, so it’s fair to say that it was a pretty cold walk! Thankfully, E did nap, and we did make it to lunch on time.

Christmas Day -

Christmas Day -

Since we would be on our own this year, I made a booking at a restaurant for Christmas lunch – the Bryant Park Grill. I wanted to capture as much holiday spirit for us as I could. The Grill was a good choice. It was a bit crazy busy, but the location was fabulous. Right next to the ice rink and Christmas tree in Bryant Park. We had a really love, non-traditional meal, and then let E run around Bryant Park. She loved the tiny carousel, and watching the ice skaters. She was actually begging to go ice skating – maybe next year … The Christmas tree was the big hit for her. Unlike most of the trees, this one you can go right up underneath and touch the giant ornaments. A very gleeful toddler though this was the most fun in the world.

Bryant park Carousel -

Bryant Park -

And so was our very New York Christmas this year! We tried to fit in as many of the holiday activites as possible, but only managed a few, like the department store windows (Saks and their Yeti was the favourite), visiting Santa at The Plaza, and seeing the Christmas tree at the Rockefeller plaza.

Saks Yeti via

The Plaza Hotel Christmas Tree via
The Plaza Hotel Christmas Tree

Santa at the Plaza Hotel

Rockefeller Plaza -
Rockefeller Plaza

I feel blessed for my little family, and blessed that our lives have been so lucky. Hoping everyone else’s Christmases were filled with love and family.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, friends!

From our families to yours, we wish you and your loved ones peace, joy and love in 2014. See you around for more brunching!

Love, Christine & Alexis

Happy New Year -

Happy New Year -

Happy New Year: A New Kind Of Resolution

My usual New Year’s resolutions are typically the same every year. Eat less sugar. Exercise more. Do a course to improve my mind. Find a better job. I always forget about them after I write them down, probably because they’re all things that I don’t have to really work on – they’re the things that you either DO or you DON’T DO, they’re not things that require a change from within.

This year I’m trying something new – a new kind of resolution. What I want to change the most is myself, in these simple yet hard ways. I’m often just so tired, so worn out that I catch myself saying and doing things that I regret later on. Snapping at Alec. Being impatient with Missy E. The look on her face when she tries to get my attention as I’m frantically trying to check my email on my phone and she wants me to play with her … I always resolve to try better, to do better. And so here I am, really hoping to spend 2014 becoming a better person in these few, but important ways.

Let Go: NYE Resolutions via

Let go
I’m a grudge holder from way back. I was teased and bullied a lot when I was younger, and it’s made me someone who gets their back up easily and finds it very difficult to forgive people any perceived wrong doings. It’s basically self-defence mechanism that is unconsciously in place to protect myself from getting hurt again. Holding on to anger though is like swallowing poison – it only hurts yourself, and it kills you slowly from the inside out.

Be Brave: NYE Resolutions via

Be brave
I hate confrontations. So much. I hate saying things to people I care about that might upset them, so I’m not completely honest with the people I care about. I keep things inside and let them fester, because I’m too scared to say them to people’s faces incase they react badly and get mad at me. This is another form of poison that I need to try and stop by being braver, and trusting that the people I care about will value me enough to listen to what I have to say.

Slow Down: NYE Resolutions via

Slow down
I’m always rush rush rushing everyone, particularly my spirited toddler, who finds the magic in every stoop in Brooklyn. I’m impatient at the best of times. I need some serious calm breathing and relaxing, and to remind myself not to rush this inquisitive little person who sees the details in the world, and its beauty, in a way that I no longer do. I need to spend more time seeing the world as she sees it – maybe it will become a more magical place for us both.

Be Present - NYE Resolutions via

Be present
“Put down the phone mummy!”. It kills me when she says this. I want her not to have to say this to me anymore.

Be Kind: NYE Resolutions via

Be kind
Harsh words slip out of my mouth, particularly when I’m tired. It doesn’t make them less hurtful, or harmful to relationships with my friends and family. Why can’t I just swallow these hurtful words down and say something more constructive instead? I have so much love for my family and friends. I just never tell them in words. 2014 will be the year of speaking with love.

Happy New Year’s to everyone out there! Thank you for reading my little blog. I wish you and your family a wonderful, kind, 2014.

Images thanks to Bridget Eldrige Photography

Goodbye, 2013!



2013 will always be a special year for Brunch With My Baby Singapore, because… we launched! We’ve been live since 1 October 2013, though it feels like a lot longer than that.

We’ve written 85 (!!!!) posts since we started in October – a mere 3 months.

We’ve hosted 15 fun weekly giveaways for you.

We’ve had the privilege of having 2 guest writers (Debra and Delphine), with many more to come in the year ahead.

We’ve also had to battle weight gain, thanks to the daily brunching-out. But hey, it’s all part of the job right?!


So what’s in store for 2014? 

Expect lots more food reviews on fun and kid-friendly places to dine. Many more guest reviewers (if you fancy yourself quite the writer, please contact us to be a guest reviewer!). And, of course, our weekly giveaways for fabulous stuff.


As always, thank you for dropping by. To way waaay waaaaaay more eating in 2014!!


(pssssst! Stay tuned to our updates on our Facebook page.)


The Plight of the SAHM vs FTWM

My Mum was a serious career high-flyer at a French bank, before she quit her job to….. look after me. For most of my life, I’d always thought it was such a silly decision, and that when I grew up, *I’d* never sacrifice all that money/career-glory just for my kid.

Now, being a SAHM and having made the same decision Mum made all those years ago, I truly understand and appreciate the sacrifice she made. This article I wrote for Material World is dedicated to her.

It is also dedicated to my mummy girl friends, and to anyone who is a mum and reading this. Because we’ve all made our own choices. We’ll never be sure if we made the right one, but we sure as hell hope it is!


The Plight of the SAHM vs FTWM, written for Material World.

Hope you enjoy the read 🙂

GIVEAWAY: One ‘My First Pack’ of 156 stickers from Stickerkid (worth $55)!

Stickerkid - Brunch With My Baby Singapore

(psssst! Read on for a discount code to Sickerkid)


Both my kids start their unaccompanied playgroup in the new year!

They’ll be attending 3x a week, for 3 hours each time. HELLOOOOOO kid-free mornings for me, for three glorious days a week!! Seriously, I won’t know what to do with myself.

Because of their close age gap (18 months apart), they’ll be in the same classroom. There’ll be just 6-8 kids in the class (including them) with 2 teachers

Despite the small class, the teachers told me to make sure they have all their belongings labeled, or they risk getting their stuff mixed up with other kids.

I’ve never purchased labeling-things before, because I’ve been dubious. Kid things go through a LOT of rough handling and a LOT of washing – how can something so simple as a sticker that you slap on last through all that??

Turns out, they really do last. 

My kids’ stickers are by a Swiss company called Stickerkid, that make personalised stickers and labels. They are Swiss-made and ridiculously durable. As in, they last so well that it can’t even be normal. Key example? The stickers on their waterbottles are in PERFECT condition – with no nicks or peeling bits – despite the waterbottles being washed and scrubbed daily. They’ve been stuck on for 6 weeks now (I wanted to give it time to make sure Stickerkid labels really do work!), and they are still PERFECTLY stuck on. Freaky!!


Stickerkid are giving away one ‘My First Pack‘ of 156 stickers (worth $55), shipped worldwide.

 My First Pack contains:
– 32 large stickers
– 14 shoe stickers
– 60 small stickers
– 50 clothes stickers

a Brunch With My Baby giveaway

You can submit some of the entries more than once a day, so come back tomorrow to get more entries in the draw.

Giveaway will run from 27 Dec 2013 to 2 Jan 2014 inclusive.
Winner’s entry(s) will be verified according to the entry criteria(s).
Any person from any country may participate – Stickerkid will ship worldwide!

And for those of you that want to order RIGHT NOW, before the new school year starts…

Stickerkid are offering a 10% STOREWIDE DISCOUNT with code: brunchwithmybaby

Valid until 31 March 2014.
Discount is valid on all merchandise storewide, but excludes shipping cost.


So these are my kids’ stickers, that arrived swiftly in the mail. I did spend ages trying to decide on the pictures, because they are so many option sto choose from! Stickerkid also have just launched the option to upload your own photo – coolness!!  The stickers come on various sheets and with accompanying instructions (though it’s kind of a no brainer).

Stickerkid - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


The stickers aren’t made of paper, but some sort of vinyl(?) material… that makes the stickers extremely flexible and durable. They feel good. 

This is the back of the Shoe Stickers:

Stickerkid - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


The Shoe Stickers fit nicely in kids shoes, and don’t peel off or come loose, to annoy little ones. My kids are pretty amused whenever they see their favourite animals stuck inside their shoes when they’re putting them on.

Stickerkid - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


Incredibly, I stuck on a sticker (NOT the iron-on label) on the back of Hunter’s hat.. and it’s been through a bunch of washes… but the sticker is still there!! In perfect condition.

And as I mentioned before, the stickers on their water bottles have lasted 6 weeks of daily washing and rough daily use. Zero peeling edges, zero nicks, zero colour fade.

Stickerkid - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


I regressed into a kid and went on a sticker slapping frenzy! Popped them on all their belongings, including their Buono desks. I figure it’s a good way to get them to recognise and read their own names, right??

Stickerkid - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


And also on Hunter’s Y Velo bike. Because the green is identical and looked too cool!

Stickerkid - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


These babies are really, freakily, durable. They last through so much – both physical man-handling, and washing. I’m also impressed with their thin-ness (so it doesn’t annoy and get in the way) as well as their flexibility (they wrap around odd-shapes very well with no bubbles or peeling).

This is what Stickerkid is proud to offer in their stickers:

Thanks Stickerkid!

CHARLY T’s: Kid-Friendly Restaurants, Katong, Singapore

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore

I very rarely order roast chicken when we go out – for the simple reason that, more often than not, the chicken comes out pretty dry and tasteless. Actually in general, I never order chicken in restaurants.

So I was really interested when I heard that Charly T’s specialised in rotisserie chicken!

I was really surprised to discover that it’s not just rotisserie chicken that they serve, but a whole variety of dishes from around the world. It kind of makes it hard to decide what to get 😉

The interior of Charly T’s is welcoming and family-friendly, with lots of high chairs and an outdoor patio area with a large TV screen. But the calling card is the play corner.

My kids made a BEELINE straight for it!

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


On one Sunday a month, Charly T’s hosts a full-blown kids event with an instructor…. FOR FREE. Kids are eligible when accompanied with dining adults. Not trying to sound stingy or anything here.. but any place that keeps my kids occupied for a good our for free is tops in my books!!

This month, the activity was “instrument making”.

It was a really simple concept and used simple craft materials, but was such a good idea and one that I’d never thought of before. The kids happily decorated the backs of 2 paper plates, stapled them together so they formed a drum/tambourine, and threaded through large bells to make them jingle-jangle. What a hit it was!

Chris was a champion and guided both kids through the craft making  – though if your kids are a bit older, they can just be left there whilst you eat in peace.

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


After that, we relaxed with an Iced Latte and Iced Lemon Tea.. whilst the kids played around the area for a bit and shared a freshly-squeezed Green Flash juice – Green Apple, Orange, Pineapple ($7).

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


Of course, we had to try the Rotisserie Chicken with 2 side dishes ($14.50)! We were told that they pride themselves on chilled, never frozen, chickens that are marinated for over 12 hours before they are slow-cooked Rotisserie-style. Mmmmmmm……..

The meat was plump and tender, and I liked how crisp and smoky the skin was. But most of all, I thought the sesame (I think?) dipping sauce it came with was excellent. The kids loved it smothered all over their chicken! Speaking of which, both kids pretty much ate half the chicken each. I was kinda impressed.

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore
Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore
Our two side dishes was the Garlic Rice, which was full of flavour and a total must order, and the Macaroni and Cheese, which I liked but wasn’t kid-friendly for my kids as it has a mild peppery flavour due to the red peppers in the sauce. It’s a healthy version of mac and cheese, by the way, which uses less cheese and incorporates cauliflower into the sauce, but is still very tasty.Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


I insisted on the Kansas City BBQ Pork Ribs($22) because saying “no” to pork ribs when they’re on the menu is criminal. They were meaty and tender, but still had ‘bite’. The meat was mostly lean, which I appreciated, and the BBQ sauce wasn’t too rich or sweet. I swapped my Vegetables side dish for German Potato Salad, and I’m so glad I did, because  the warm potato salad was delicious because it came with lots of bacon bits studded through it.

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


The Kalua Pork ($20) was described as… uh… Kalua Pork on the menu, with no other description. I wouldn’t have ordered it if I hadn’t been told that it’s actually slow-roasted pork belly. I repeat: THIS IS SLOW-ROASTED PORK BELLY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thus, this was our star dish of the meal. It doesn’t look very attractive in the photo, but believe me, this is one of the best pork dishes I’ve ever had. The pork was so juicy and tender and silky it was absolutely sublime. I normally don’t like the fatty bits, but I ate up the thin slivers of fat inbetween the layers and felt it added to the silkiness of the texture of the dish. I didn’t even bother with the accompanying sauces – the pork was perfection eaten on it’s own.

I flipped to their little menu board that describes their dishes, and saw this “the pork belly is marinated in ti leaves for 48 hours and slow-cooked to perfection – fork-tender and moist.” Now it all makes sense.

A total must order! I would go back for this dish alone.

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


So there’s this outside patio area that’s totally enclosed by railings so it’s safe for young children to run about in. And since no one was dining there, and since we have a kid that cannot sit still in his high chair after eating *stares at Carter*, we chucked him out there!

He was kept pretty entertained and we could eat whilst watching him (we were seated next to the glass doors/windows) overlooking the patio).

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


We opted for the cryptically named (to me!) Kaiserchmarrn ($16). I was keen on it after being told it was “cut up pancakes in a bowl with ice cream“. You can’t go wrong with THAT!  And true enough, fluffy warm pancakes studded with raisns arrived at our table, all chopped up and served with a scoop of ice cream. Awesome comfort food. The kids went nuts over this one….

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


I was already lusting over the Homemade Ice Cream Sandwich ($8) since I’d first eyeballed the menu when we arrived, so of course I ordered it pronto. I realised when it arrived that it was actually quite similar to the Kaiserchmarrn dessert we ordered! Both had vanilla ice cream, and both had sweet carbs with raisins. So silly of me.

I’d recommend ordering either one, but not both at the same time!

Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore Charly T - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


Charly T’s are doing a 3-Course Christmas Set Menu (until 31st December), but we went a la carte when we were there. They also have a Festive Bundle (until 1st January) as well as a Chinese New Year Prosperity Bundle (from 1st January to 30th January).

The next kids activity event is being held on 19 January 1-2PM, and is a Chinese New Year Fish Making class! Fab for bringing along their handiwork when you go round visiting relatives 😉

Plus, on the way out, I spotted a sign with this on it: Facebook LIKErs get 15% off when paying with Mastercard”. It’s a good deal 🙂

Last Bite: Charly T’s is a HUGE hit with their free instructor-led kids activity event each month. It’s an excellent way to keep the kids occupied whilst you enjoy a tasty lunch. The Kalua Pork is a must order!

Highchairs: Yes
Easy access: Yes
Change tables: Yes (in the mall)
Kids’ menu: Yes

Charly T’s
112 Katong Mall $03-15
112 East Coast Road
Singapore 428802)
Phone: 6636 4701
Prices: $$
Hours: Mon – Fri: 11:00 am – 11:00 pm, Sat – Sun: 9:00 am – 11:00 pm

A Day Alone With My 2-Year-Old

I’ve really enjoyed my toddler being at her 2s programs since September. Four days a week, she goes to one of two schools, where she is in either a 2 or 3 hour drop-off program. Add in the 2 hour nap, and I get several solid hours of time to myself four days a week to work on freelance assignments and my websites. Yesterday, however, was a reminder of life without school – and it was scary.

Now that school is closed for two weeks (TWO WEEKS!!!) and my babysitter is on holiday (an actual holiday, minus children – jealous), it’s just all me, all day. We usually have every Friday completely together, so I didn’t think much of our “holiday” time until yesterday happened.

6:30am: She wakes up. I go to get her out of her room only to be told “No Mummy, want DADDY” and have the door slammed in my face.
6:45: She stops whining for Daddy and comes out into the living room, where I am already on my 2nd glass of Coke Zero. We play with the iPad, Playdoh, tiaras and stuffed animals until my husband wakes up.
9:15: My husband gets up. He needed extra sleep after getting up with Cheese during the night. I steal a quick shower while he tries to convince our toddler to eat some form of breakfast that doesn’t come in a pouch, and then heads off to work.
9:45: Cheese realises Daddy isn’t coming back. Everything goes downhill and no amount of Play Doh will fix it.
11am: I try and put her down for a nap. She’s so exhausted she’s almost rubbing the eyes out of her head. She insists “No nap!” even as her eyes are rolling back.
11:10: 10 minutes of screaming for milk and “bubbies” (strawberries). I comply with both.
11:30pm: Loud banging from her room tells me she is still awake and possibly abseiling from the ceiling.
11:33: “BOO BOO KITTY!” and more crying (she wants a hello Kitty bandaid for her abseiling injury).
12:15: The muttering and crying stops and I think she’s gone to sleep.
12:17: The voice at the door “MUMMYYYYY where aaaaare you?!”. Argh. I go in and notice she has pooed. Change diaper and put her back down to even more protesting and whining.
12:50: She has now been screaming for 20 minutes. I can’t find the noise cancelling headphones and am going out of my mind. I offer milk and try and put her back to bed.
1pm: I give up and let her out of her room. I make her a grilled cheese sandwich that she won’t touch. She eats an entire punnet of strawberries and demands chocolate milk. Nice try.
3pm: We play with all her toys while I beg her to eat something with protein or even carbs in it. Building block houses for her princesses, Play Doh again with the talking Elmo Shape & Spin that I always tread on during the night, and sing Twinkle Twinkle and Wheels on the Bus along with the iPad.
4pm: It’s time to leave the house. We are meant to be going to a Christmas party in Williamsburg but I’m too exhausted to take her on the subway. Instead we stroll towards Kids Club for an open play session. We don’t reach the end of the block before she falls asleep in the stroller. Of course. I now have about an hour of walking the streets to do to give her the nap she needs.
4:45: I find myself in Red Hook. I have walked a long way.
5pm: I walk to the new Whole Foods in Gowanus and relish shopping without someone whining and grabbing everything in her reach. I slowly browse shelves, checking out brands I usually whizz past. I find a gingerbread house already baked and assembled, ready for decorating – the day is looking up!
5:45pm: She wakes up when I’m at the cash register – somewhat surprised to find herself in Whole Foods. We stroll home.
6pm: We stop outside a church to listen to the bells. Cheese asks for “more bells!” very insistently. Sadly I can’t deliver on more bells, so we head home.
6:15pm: Home, and I’m so tired I can barely stand. I throw pasta leftovers in the microwave and serve them to Cheese for dinner, along with her beloved “bubbies”. She won’t touch a thing and demands to watch BOTH the iPad AND the TV at once. I’m too tired to put up a fight, so put Barney on the TV and her favourite video, Feist’s “1234”, on the iPad. I collapse on the couch next to her high chair and beg her to eat.
7pm: My husband gets home. I nearly cry with relief.

Only two weeks left until school starts again. Not that I’m counting down or anything.

GIVEAWAY: Win one of five BabySafe Kid Pillows (worth $48.80 each)!

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore

Chris and I splurged on really nice latex pillows and mattress when we moved to Singapore 2+ years ago. We aren’t alone – most people I know are willing to splurge on really comfortable bedding, rationalizing that we are lying on them at least 6-7 hours a day, even more so than sitting on a couch!

Yet, for some reason, I haven’t seen many quality baby/kid bedding around. They are either just stuffed, or made with foam. And kids sleep on their pillow and mattress for 12 hours a night… not even including their nap times!

Hunter has always used the BabySafe latex mattress and pillow, since birth. The firm and breathable latex provides excellent support and safety for a baby, and I couldn’t find any other bedding that was superior.

When Carter was born, I gave him Hunter’s BabySafe latex mattress and pillow, and got Hunter a regular pillow and cheap foam mattress *ahem*. He used this for a couple of months, and I always felt bad whenever I changed his sheets and saw the poor/crappy quality of the foam! So I was really delighted to finally transition him (back) to the BabySafe mattress and pillow a few weeks ago.

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore

BabySafe latex range is hypoallergenic, and provides firm orthopaedic support for spinal alignment and adjusts comfortably to the contours of the baby’s body. Aside from preventing allergies, it is naturally mold and mildew resistant, inhibiting dust-mite infestation. Being natural, it contains no toxic substance and unlike synthetic materials, does not emit fumes. It is also self-ventilating, reducing the risk of suffocation.

I am super happy that BabySafe are being brilliant and want to offer a giveaway!

BabySafe are giving away 5 Kid Pillows (worth $48.80 each)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can submit some of the entries more than once a day, so come back tomorrow to get more entries in the draw.

Giveaway will run from 20 Dec to 26 Dec 2013 inclusive.
Winner’s entry(s) will be verified according to the entry criteria(s).
Winners may pick up the BabySafe pillow at the Spring Maternity (Hoi Hup) showroom.


Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


You’ll see below that there are a variety of pillows for babies and kids. Hunter (at 2+ years old) currently uses the BabySafe Kid Pillow and I love how it is molded. My own pillow is a molded latex pillow, so I know how comfortable this is!

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


Below is the BabySafe Kid Pillow and the BabySafe mattress. The mattresses come in a variety of sizes to suit almost all cots. I like how both come with a soft 100% cotton cover, so they can be whipped off and washed easily.

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


Here’s a peek at the latex mattress uncovered. Latex holds its shape beautifully, and doesn’t attract dust mites and bed bugs – a huge plus in my book. It’s also a very heavy mattress, which I like because it doesn’t feel flimsy like regular cheap foam mattresses.

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


BabySafe include one set of sheets when you purchase their products, but I usually go out and get extras. Made of 100% sateen cotton, they are really smooth and soft and come in cute prints. Below you will see the BabySafe mattress, BabySafe Kid Pillow, BabySafe bolster… all in Hunters bed from Mothercare (I believe BabySafe mattresses will fit any Mothercare bed).

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


Hunter is bizzarely HUGELY fascinated with the latex mattress, and insisted I put it on the ground for him and Carter to lie on. And they did, for ages!! When I tried to cover it up with sheets and put it back in his bed, he had Meltdown Central. Go figure.

Here he is inspecting his new bedding, after he finally allowed me to put it all back in his bed.

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


He then wanted to hop on in and test it out…

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore


“OK I nap now, Mama!” 

REALLY???? Well, go right ahead…..!

Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore

 Baby Safe - Brunch With My Baby Singapore

Thanks BabySafe!