Adventure, baby!


Black Watch and Go Organic

Alec and I saw the National Theatre of Scotland perform Black Watch today as part of the Sydney Festival. The play came with rave reviews, so I went in with high expectations. It was lucky for me that the show really followed through. It was powerful, poignant and creative. I’ve never been touched by a play quite like I was by this one.

Black Watch tells the story of Scotland’s Black Watch Regiment, particularly focusing on their deployment in Iraq. The play reveals the harsh reality of the “war on terror” and the effects it has on soldiers mentally, both on deployment and when they come home and try to fit back into society again. I loved not only the content, but the creative staging. It’s an absolute must see.

After the play, we went to Go Organic on King St, Newtown, for late lunch. I left my camera at home, so these pics are taken with my trusty iPhone.

It was super expensive, but really tasty food. Hopefully the cost is improving me on the inside!

My muesli with yoghurt and berries, and mango yoghurt smoothie.

Alec with his berry yoghurt smoothie.

Taking time out on a Saturday afternoon.

LCC Pizza And Dodgeball

Mat and Aya came over for delicious LCC pizza and a movie – Dodgeball. I don’t usually like comedies like this one, but I love it!

LCC are my favourite pizza place, and do free delivery too. Wooo!


Alec’s Greek pizza.

Half dragon’s breath, half neptune.

My plain cheesey goodness.

The extra pizza pieces they threw in. Herbs and garlic. Yuuummm!

Wi Marn Thai Delivery

After a day of shopping, eating , hot chocolate and zombie movie, we all head over to Lisa and Matt’s place for Thai delivery and kitty cuddles.

One of my best discoveries while I’ve been sick is Menulog which is where I found Wi Marn Thai. They are located in Help St, Chatswood, have fresh, delicious food, and free delivery to Chatswood – or Wollstonecraft if you’re as persuasive as Beverly.

Alec poses because the girls asked him to. Bless you girls, look what he’ll put up with if you ask him nicely. Or offer a food reward.

Bev poses with kitty. Who’s cuter? It’s a toss-up!

Alec loves Thai. He especially loves it when I take pictures of him eating it.

Food lovers hoe in.

Who’s a crazier blogger?

Mmmm my fave dish, vegetarian fried rice.

I Am Legend and San Churro

After eating and then eating some more and shopping, Bev, Lisa and I went to Chatswood to meet up with Matt, Alec and Alec’s friend from work, Sean to see I Am Legend.

Beverly suggested the movie because she has a thing for Will Smith. I should probably have spoken up and said I don’t like zombie movies, but I didn’t realise how much of a zombie movie it actually was!

The general premise is that in the year 2009 a radical cure for cancer is discovered, but instead of being the miracle it is thought to be, it spawns a retro-virus that wipes out 90% of mankind. How this happens is skipped over however. There are quite a few plot holes and the exposition is told through random flashbacks that don’t quite fill in the gaps in the story.

There was a lot I liked, such as Will Smith looking buff and the cute dog, but also a lot that I didn’t, such as believing Will Smith masquerading as a scientist. The story could have done with more clarity around a lot of areas, such as the actual zombies and their intelligence. There seemed to be one who was smarter than the rest, but who he was and why he was smarter wasn’t explored.

After the movie we went to San Churro so Bev would try the magical churros.

Alec reluctantly posing for Lisa.

Must …. photograph … the … churros!!

Just William on Paddington St

A new chocolate shop! Of course it deserves its own post.

While shopping with Bev and Lisa, we passed this tiny little store just off Oxford Street. Did I feel like chocolate? Is that even a question!

I loved the pretty boxes. I will be back for presents – and for me!

Raspberry butterflies, strawberry hedgehog and caramel bombs.

Lisa can’t help herself.

The last chocolate to be eaten. Mmmmm.

Bite Me

To catch up with Bev, who had been in Singapore for three weeks, Lisa, Bev and I spent quite a jam-packed day together. We picked Bev up from the doctor (she had woken up with a swollen eye) and stopped in Paddington for lunch and to pick up a handbag from Belinda’s.

Bev loves Bite Me on Oxford Street, so it is now my turn to blog about it.

I loved the interior, hence the millions of pics about to follow. It has a kind of a retro diner feel to it, but 100 times funkier.

Jumbo menu when we walked in.

Can the world be a burger place? The eternal question.

The menu. I don’t know why I liked it enough to photo it, but I did.

Super-cute little wash towel thingy.

Crazy pictures on the walls.

Awesome attention to detail. I love the tomato sauce bottle.

Side-tracked. Cute magnetic bookmarks Bev brought me back from Singapore.

Poor Bev has a woe moment about her bad eye.

Who invited these crazy bloggers?

Bev defends herself from the dripping ceiling while slathering the chips in sauce. That’s dedication to the food.

My lentil burger with haloumi cheese, tomato and rocket. I would have preferred more of a stronger cheese, but it was still really tasty. It was also my first vege burger since going vego. Burgers were one of my favourite foods in my meat days, and I have missed them like mad. Was the vege burger just as good? No. Was it really tasty anyway? Yes, yes it was 🙂

Bev is serious about tomato sauce distribution.

Lisa tries some spicy horseradish.

My new sunnies. Bev was so happy I got them she needed to take my picture. Several times actually, so I could see how great they looked. Thanks Bev!

Trying to take a pic of the three of us in the mirror.

New Year’s Eve At Home

With both Alec and I sick, we decided to spend NYE at home. It was a nice night actually. I tried cooking some different food and we watched new Heroes episodes.

Our little tree in its pot.

My gingerbread man tree decoration I bought this year.

Haloumi and tomato entree.

Trying to present it properly.

The main course – pasta salad wrap. It has all kinds of healthy things in it – asparagus, zucchini, peas, broccolini, semi-dried tomatoes and ricotta. It was really easy to make too!

Team Thai and Arvo in Crows Nest

After a few days of being sick and doing nothing, I went to join Lisa in Crows Nest for an excellent afternoon and evening of chatting and food.

We got takeaway Thai from Team Thai on the main strip in Crows Nest.

Fresh veges just waiting for me.

My food being cooked.

Mmmmm veges and fried rice. My fave Thai food.

Cute cute kitty watching trains.


Port Stephens Holiday – Day 1

After several weeks of being sick, spending a few days relaxing at Port Stephens with Alec was just what I needed.

We stayed at Salamander Shores on Soldier’s Point. Since we booked last minute, we didn’t have much of a choice of places. We had a “garden view” room, which overlooked a rainforest type of fernery. It was really pretty, like being in a rainforest canopy, along with the kookaburras that woke me up the following morning.

View from the balcony.

Our room – it came complete with a headless Alec.

The storm started rolling in in the late afternoon. This pic is taken from Soldier’s Point – you can see the storm in the distance.

Alec on the wharf. He loves having his picture taken.

Self-portrait. I am addicted.

Wandering around the garden at the hotel.

Hugest rainbow I have ever seen.

Amazing sunset over Nelson Bay.

We found a delicious noodle place at Nelson Bay – fast, delicious veges and noodles… mmmmmm.

Peace Harmony

I tried a new vegetarian Thai place for lunch today with some friends from work. It’s super close to the office, and is really cheap – it cost me $10 for a can of Sprite, spring roll and fried rice. The food was a bit oily, but it was really tasty. Anything deep fried is tasty!

My very tolerant friends.

My fried rice.

I don’t remember what it was, but Isis loved it.

Alice had this – I don’t remember what it was either, but it has crushed cashews on top.

Curry puff.

A great way to end work for the year! I’m looking forward to Christmas and a holiday.