Adventure, baby!


Firehouse Hotel

Alec and I caught up with Lisa, Matt, Bev and Chris at the Firehouse in North Sydney. Beverly knows all of these great places with cheap. awesome food, and the Firehouse was no exception.

The meal deal was $10 for any mains if you buy a drink – super good value!

Nacho pizza … some things are not meant to be.

Mmmm chippies …

Steak for the carnivore.


My normal-looking pizza.

Something is wrong with my hair …

Drinks at Tokio Bar

Thursday night drinks and pizza at Tokio Bar to celebrate great end of quarter results.

The pizza was super-slow coming out, and I drank too many of these potent cocktails while I was waiting. They are called Melon Blush and are AMAZING.

The pizza was really average and we couldn’t see well enough to tell what was on them.

That’s right Kae, get stuck into that girlie drink 😛

Chocolate dessert pizza with Nutella on it. YUM.

Food, Ferrets and SATC

My new Tokidoki bag. Lisa has rubbed off on me 🙂 It’s a Vacenze print in the bambinone style. I am Scotch-Guarding it right now.

Online before watching Sex and The City with Bev and Lisa – and ferrets.

New cupcake pouch!

Dinner at St James Hotel. They have such tasty cheap food.

Bev’s bruscetta.

Lisa’s beef Thai salad.

My delicious mash potato.

Mmm steamed veges.

Crazy ferrets and Etsy I believe.

This is my new favourite snack joint. has opened up on 66 Erskine st, right near my work. I grabbed a dozen – which, by the way, isn’t enough to feed my hungry team. Next time I will get 24.

The super-cute menu. I loved the Madeira and hokey pokey flavours.

Newtown Saturday

I couldn’t believe Bev had never been to Newtown before. It’s my fave indie shopping Mecca, so met her for lunch, shopping and more food on a sunny Saturday.

Before shopping we needed to fuel up with some Thai that Newtown is famous for.

My fried rice and veges was amazing.

Bev’s beef thingy was enough for two. She said it was delicious. A shame I didn’t write down the name of the place!

After shopping, more snacks at Cafe C – my ice chocolate and Bev’s strawberry smoothie.

Churros and chocolate.

My shopping results – dress with little white hearts, books to read on the plane and warm peach cobbler-flavoured lip balm. It smells divine.

Paddo, Bite Me & Szechwan Gardens

Bev, Lise and I spend an awesome day at Paddington markets, Bite Me and Szechwan Gardens. Thanks girls!
Who says she can’t eat a foot-long hot dog?

Mini Vege burgers.

In! In!

Topless burger.

Vroom vroom!

What? All gone?

The free ice-cream Bev received for eating the whole hot dog.

Cupcake hat?


Shower cap as fashion item.

The cupcake looked amazing but didn’t taste as good. It was missing something I couldn’t quite identify.

Matching sunnies are cool. 

The boys joined us for dinner at Szechwan Gardens in St Leonards. 

The “eight precious vegetables” dish was mine – totally delicious.

My deep and meaningful fortune cookie message.

Fresh-as-a-daisy fried ice-cream.

Fried ice-cream porn shot.

Banana fritter.

My new earrings. The extreme close-up isn’t very flattering.

My pretty bag in “ballet pink” and awesome lipgloss. It’s non-sticky and moisturising, with a touch of colour. Bev bargained the bag lady down from $79 and $75 per bag to $140 for two. Way to go!


We spent the day watching The Kite Runner (review to follow), having lunch at Rozelle and getting chocolate from Belle Fleur.

Second hand books from the market – three for $25.

Beginning of the tongue photos.

Belle Fleur window display. I love Easter, it’s the chocolate holiday.

Bite Me – Again

I’ve been raving about the Bite Me burgers to Alec for months, and finally had him try it for himself last night.

Alec’s long arms enable him to take awesome shots like this.

Me and Bev.

Bev loves a freebie.

The men look manly.

Me and Bev take two.

Mmmm Vegetari-Anne burger.

Bev’s meaty burger.

Lisa’s bohemath.

Alec chows down.

Lisa’s burger turns into a full meal.

Yum yum yum.

Bev tells us how she really feels.

Don’t even ask.

Dessert – yummo! Vanilla ice cream and choc biscuit.

Double choc.

Caramel pecan – I think I will get this next time.

Beverly’s camera was lost (and recently found!) in Hong Kong. She hijacked my camera out of camera-deprivation.

Teppanyaki, The Rocks

I’ve never had teppanyaki before, so it was good practice to try it at the Rocks before going to Japan. We Took Phuongie to The Rocks Teppanyaki for a farewell lunch on a very wet and cold Thursday afternoon.

A seafood entree.

I think Phuong is right to be scared. It looks weird.

My deep fried veges. Does this mean they’re not healthy?

Very obliging chef.

Watch my veges fry!

This bean sprout thing was amazing.

More veges! Very well seasoned.

Big lump of glistening meat for the carnivores out there.

Green tea ice cream. Yuuum.

Some kind of vodka shot.