A hectic day today. An early morning climb with Mel, Vanessa’s baby shower, dropping by to see Mum and Dad, then dinner and the new Fantastic 4 movie, Rise of the Silver Surfer, with Alec.
I love superhero movies – with the exception of Spider-Man (I don’t like emo superheroes. How can they save me if they’re having a cry?). I thought the first Fantastic 4 movie was pretty average, but I really enjoyed this one. Maybe it was some much needed escapism. Whatever. I still enjoyed it immensely.
I do however have a problem with Jessica Alba having blonde hair and blue eyes. What the? If they want someone fitting that description, why don’t they hire one of the many blonde hair, blue-eyed actresses loitering around Hollywood and give them the role instead of making a dark girl blonde? So unnatural-looking.
Out of all the powers, I would like to be the human torch – getting to fly and controlling fire. In case of an apocalypse, I’d be fully sorted.