Adventure, baby!


Bite Me – Again

I’ve been raving about the Bite Me burgers to Alec for months, and finally had him try it for himself last night.

Alec’s long arms enable him to take awesome shots like this.

Me and Bev.

Bev loves a freebie.

The men look manly.

Me and Bev take two.

Mmmm Vegetari-Anne burger.

Bev’s meaty burger.

Lisa’s bohemath.

Alec chows down.

Lisa’s burger turns into a full meal.

Yum yum yum.

Bev tells us how she really feels.

Don’t even ask.

Dessert – yummo! Vanilla ice cream and choc biscuit.

Double choc.

Caramel pecan – I think I will get this next time.

Beverly’s camera was lost (and recently found!) in Hong Kong. She hijacked my camera out of camera-deprivation.

The Great Pool Championship

What was meant to be a night of bowling ended up being a night of fierce pool competition at James Squire pub. I haven’t played in literally years, but my mojo came back after a slow start and I remembered how much I love to play! It was a great night, catching up with Shell and Eric and finding out that Alec really is right about the super powers contained in his feet. With his shoes on, he was an average player. As soon as the sneakers came off, he was a pool shark. Interesting!

Good Friends, Good Food

Four of my oldest girlfriends and their partners came over for dinner tonight. Nothing much to say except it was a really good night of catching up and eating 🙂

Alice’s Housewarming Party

After a day in the outer west, we went to Alice’s new abode in the inner west. One thing I love about having vege friends is being able to eat everything at a party. Woo!