Adventure, baby!

Month: October 2008

Lindeman Island. Day 1 – The Journey

My dear friend Candice decided to get married on Lindeman Island in the Whitsundays, Queensland.

Candice and I have been friends for almost eight years. We met in a Latin hip-hop class at the beginning of 2001 and have been close ever since. When the call came in that Candice was getting married, on a tropical island, at first we thought it would be way out of our price range. Luckily, Candice’s family managed to get us amazing deals to stay, so we were able to go to the wedding.

Bye Sydney!

Hello tropical islands!

We had a stop over on Hamilton Island for a few hours before our ferry left for Lindeman. Not much to do when you’re just stopping over, so we had some ice-cream and vegged.

Hamilton marina


Happy day! Love going on holidays.

Sun setting as we leave the bay.

Purty! Bye Hamilton.

On Lindeman, dressed for our first night out – the group dinner before the wedding the next day. Alec looked very handsome.

Save The Sea Kittens!

PETA are quite wacky. Their latest campaign is to stop people eating fish by comparing them to kittens. My “sea kitten” is more of a princess fish….

My second attempt – kitten success!

Food, Fun & Friends

Beverly asked us all over for dinner during the long weekend.

She very sweetly made special food for a fussy vegetarian. I’m so grateful that I have such amazing friends who cater for me and my special tastes without complaining. Thanks, I love you guys 🙂

Amazing tomato and bocconcini salad.

Home-made garlic bread.

My vege patties and extra salad.

Alec gets up close and personal with a ferret.

Looking indignant.

Oh hai!

The cutest things!

Or maybe “cute” isn’t the right word.

Need dessert Bev?

Singed ferret! Jumping over tea lights ends with burned ferret.

Awesome custard tea cake that Bev made from scratch.

Obligatory food porn shot.

Happily fed and among friends.

Cuddles time!

Happy with great friends!

Night Out With Alec

Just a fun date night out. After watching WALL.e (which was awesome BTW) we had dinner at BBQ King, a well-known Chinese restaurant that we go to occasionally.

The picture is of lots of ducks strung up. Not very pleasant, but what the restaurant is known for – duck.

The interior. Packed and bustling as always.


Alec’s short soup.

My vegetarian san choi bow.

Mixed veges with crispy noodles. Nice, but very similar to the one I have at BBQ Kitchen in Chatswood at a fraction of the price.

I hoe into the san choi bow.

Food bliss.

The city at night.

This busker had a guitar balanced on his head.

The perfect end to the evening – gelato!

I think Alec was sick of photos by this point but I can’t be sure.

Lunch at Machiavelli

I love traditional Italian food and have been wanting to try Machiavelli for quite a while. It’s on Clarence Street, Sydney, and I walk past it at least once a week.

Machiavelli is underground, which makes for an old-fashioned Italian tavern feeling. The restaurant is well-known for being the place to be seen if you’re a high-flying power-broker, and there are huge pictures on the walls of their patrons.

Tomato and mozzarella salad .. completely divine.

Anti-pasto platter. Our eyes were biger than our bellies.

My pesto and pine nut pasta. Completely delicious and massive.

Served with coffee.

Dessert – flambe strawberries and vanilla bean ice-cream.

While some of my dining friends may have thought it was pretty “old school” I absolutely loved the food and the service. I love old world dining and delicious hearty food, so it was complete bliss for me.