Adventure, baby!

Month: September 2008

Sushi-Ya Noodles

I met up with Beverly and Lisa to indulge in noodles in Artarmon. The place we were heading to was actually closed on Tuesdays (d’oh!) so instead we went to Sushi-ya, which was a few shops down. Coincidently, Sushi-ya is directly across from my fave pizza place, LCC. We have often looked at the menu while waiting for our pizza, but never stepped inside.

Sushi-ya is right near Artarmon station, and is extremely popular. Because we hadn’t booked a table, we had to sit outside in a squished table – on a Tuesday night!

My huge plate of vege tempura – 12 pieces including sweet potato, pumpkin, zucchini.
Ramen noodles.

My potato cakes – deep fried with bits of corn in them.

My tempura was delightful, but I thought in all it was a bit pricey in comparison to other Japanese places we frequent. I will definitely be back though for another giant dish of the veges.

Puppy Update

Well, not so much of an update just a few pics I took today. Kahlua has had a bad ear infection for several months now, so her ear is constantly yucky looking. The vet thinks we’re finally getting the better of it now though, so hopefully it won’t be much longer till my biggest baby is back to normal.

Buff is the same as always. Silly, nutty and completely adorable.

Tiny tot.

So bored now!

A good shot to show perspective of how tiny the little one really is.

Tulip Time at Bowral

Several years back I drove to Bowral for their annual tulip festival to take some photos. They came out brilliantly and I’ve been trying to come back every year since to take some more. Unfortunately, the festival only falls over two weeks every year so I haven’t made it back until now.

The tulips were lovely, but they must have had a bit of a drought this year as they were a bit dry looking and scorched on the edges. A bit disappointing, but still lovely!

Alec takes a nap. Tulips are very tiring.

Oh hai!

On the way back to Sydney we were pulled over for a RBT by the Bowral coppers. They weren’t impressed by Alec’s home-made Ls, so we were sent to the local station to grab some new ones.


Google Day Out

It’s very rare to have all of the people who are in the same job function as I am to get together for a day, so it was pretty fun to have us all in Sydney for a day of learning and fun.

This is my team – maximisers unite! (Yes this is what my job title is!)

Waiting for our boat to come.

On board, fending off seasickness with Kate and Casey.

With Shaden and Casey.

The entertainment.

Posing it up with Jenn, A.K.A J-Vo.

Isis & Matt’s Wedding

After a week of tumultuous weather, Saturday was stunningly perfect for my good friend Isis’ wedding – especially since it was to be held outdoors!

The ceremony as held at Observatory Hill in Sydney, in a rotunda. The view was stunning, so it was easy to see why it is such a popular wedding location.

Isis is Indian and her now-husband, Matt, is a Kiwi, so together they had a wedding that was a bit Indian, a touch Kiwi and a lot of Aussie.

The set-up for the Indian-fusion ceremony.

The stunning bride walked down the aisle by her adorable parents.

A lot of the ceremony was in Hindi I believe, so we didn’t really know what was going on. It sounded amazing, whatever they were saying!

Some blessing was going on here. And promising to be good to each other of course.

Exchanging flower garlands.

Making it official.

Flowers for tossing. Because of the breeze they went in the opposite direction than desired and landed on the guests – a nice fragant shower of flowers.

The groom’s awesome shoes.

Happy day! All dressed up.

The bride’s hands – covered in intricate henna designs. Her feet were covered too.

The very happy bride!

STUNNING location!

Being tourists and LOL-ing.

Aww – romance was in the air!

A full-length shot of my purty dress.

After the ceremony we had time to kill so we stopped by La Renaissance Patisserie Francaise in Argyle St at the Rocks for coffee and, erm, snacks.

The display alone had me drooling.

My raspberry tart. So divine I could have happily eaten a few more. Then again, I am quite the little piggy.

Alec’s mixed berry tart. Almost as good as the ones we had in Estonia.

Being such tourists.

The bridal couple changed into Western outfits for the reception.

The cake! It was uber tasty – some kind of moist vanilla cake with lemon-ish cream.

The set-up. The boat was called the Vagabond Princess.


Unsure what’s going on.
Making their entrance.


More awwwww.

Lunch! Indian-fusion tastiness.

The bridal couple did a very nontraditional dance – starting with a waltz, then breaking into an Indian routine, followed by hip-hop. It was so unexpected and so very very funny.

Posing with our friends.

After the cruise we went to Opera Bar with the bridal couple and friends for more celebrating. We watched the sun go down and had lots of laughs as the bride and groom were able to unwind and enjoy themselves.

Being complete tourists again.

Sun setting over one of Australia’s most well-known pieces of architecture – the Sydney Opera House.

Alec does his Wolverine impression.

The perfect end to the perfect day! Best of luck Isis and Matt, and thanks for involving us in your special day!

Dinner at Bev’s

My dear friend invited us over for a girlie night of puff pasty pizza and ferrets.

Bev … about to hack up something or another.

The makings of a very tasty salad – with rennet-free cheese.

Ummm I can’t even begin to explain this.

Bev starts on the pizzas.

Lol-isa can’t resist the feta.

Spreading on the topping.


My vege pizza with a corner of meat.

The meat-lovers’ pizza.

Covered in cheesy goodness.

Lise finishes up the salad.

Baked and ready!

After-dinner ferret-play.

There seems to be a ferret in the Tokidoki.

Or two!

What are you doing, naughty ferret?

“I am putting my head between my legs is what!”

When ferrets attack.

Acrobatics – trying out for Cirque du Soleil.

Tired and ready for snuggles.

Retail Therapy

A few recent purchases! No more, seriously!

Coloured gladiator sandals at Nine West. I have the pink pair on layby.

The taupe and black sandals – I bought the taupe ones and wore them today. They were super comfy.

I also bought a new Lesportsac back from DFS store in The Rocks. I bought it so I had a bag that my Mac laptop would fit in for travel as well as to cart my sports clothes to and from work instead of in the Coles green bag I’ve been using up till now. Print is called “Charmed” and it’s supposed to only be on sale in Hawaii. Not sure what it’s doing in Sydney! I have tried to step away from the obsession I was developing with Tokidoki bags as they’re so expensive. This range is about half the price and just as cute! They also are completely man-made – no leather. Woot!

Front side – I love the hula girl in the centre.

Back side.

Close-up of the cute print.

I also bought these shoes fro Nine West. They are dual purpose. I needed to buy silver shoes to wear with my bridesmaid dress for Shelley’s wedding next year, and I thought I would get them now as I needed a pair to go with my new pink Alannah Hill dress that I am planning on wearing to two weddings in the next few weeks. I love how they are more of a pewter than straight silver – I think it makes them more wearable. The cute little stones match the beading on my AH dress pefectly.

Gone Bush!

We took Alec’s mum to Mount Kuringai to check out how the area had changed since she lived there. We packed a picnic lunch and head on into the bush for some nature watching and serious snacking.

Happy family shot

Sandstone cave. Very cool!

More happy families.

We then drove to Bobbin Head just for a look. As we were driving down one of the roads a family of wood ducks or geese (we weren’t sure what they were) stepped out in front of a car going the other direction. Luckily the driver saw them and stopped while mum, dad and all of the babies waddled across the road – straight under our car!

Why hello there little ones.

Straight under the car!

… and out the other side.


Time for a drink.

All freshened up and ready for dinner!

Candice’s Hen’s Party

Another hen’s party this weekend, this time for my friend Candice. She chose to have a high tea at the Park Hyatt. The Park Hyatt is in a fabulous location on the water with a stunning view of the Opera House.

It is a very elegant place, very modern and chic in comparison to the QVB Tearoom, which is very “old world” elegance.

A back-lit shot of me.

The food! Bigger portions rather than a wider variety. The top tier contained the most divine chocolate mousse and Shortbread cups with cream and strawberries on top.

Next tiers – sandwiches (I had a very tasty egg and mayo). There were some mini vege quiches as well (they were cold and not very nice). Bottom layer were the scones. Very nice indeed – light and fluffy with a crispy edge.

Table full of ladies and delights.

My favourite part – the mousse.

With my dear friend Candice.

The view!

It was quite intimidating for me to go because I didn’t know any of Candice’s friends. Luckily she has a lot of very friendly friends who went out of their way to be extremely nice to me and get to know me. I ended up having the most delightful day. A perfect Saturday afternoon!

La Gerbe D’or

J’adore French food. Since I can’t be in France to eat it right now, the next best thing is La Gerbe D’or in Paddington Five-Ways. Delightful cafe for breakfast or lunch, plus a patisserie to buy treat from to take home for those we left behind.

Last time we ordered a bowl of hot chocolate each, not realising it would be the size of our heads. This time we thought we would be smart and only order one and share it. Only problem was pouring it into the cups. This below illustrates what happens when you attempt this debacle.

A tomato and cheese tart. DELICIOUS. I will order this next time instead of stealing pieces from the girls.

Croque madam – like a croque-monsieur but with two eggs on top.

My French toast. The way the French have it! Seeped in eggs, with home made apple jam and cream and covered in icing sugar. The most delicious I have ever tasted.

Inside the croque madam.

Happy girls about to stuff themselves.

Dessert! The St Tropez – we shared this treat. A light friand-ish thing with light custard / cream blend.

Can I fit it all in my mouth?

Full of food goodness and ready to shop!

First day of hot weather! Check out our summery clothing.