Adventure, baby!

Month: June 2008

Photographing Water

From my photography class last week – throwing water around in the car park. It was a lot of fun – even though the results are a bit all over the place!

Whoops – I got the bucket in this one!

I think this looks a bit heart-shaped.

Whoops again – totally missed this shot.

A bit of lens flare and got the light in it as well, but I like the shape.

Doggie Weekend

A few pics from playing with the girls this morning before heading off to Newcastle.

Buffers always aims to slobber my chin.

Kahlua looks grumpy – she knows I’m leaving.

On Stockton Beach – Amy poses for the camera.

Newcastle in the distance.

Amy makes a friend.

Enjoying the sun.

Oh Hai!

Mmmm chips and Coke on the beach.

Zoom zoom zoom!

iPhone Snapshots

A few shots with the iPhone at Bev’s place playing with the ferrets.

“We can flyyyyyy!”

“Yum … 21 jams!”

“Oh, hai!”

Ready to pounce.

GoogleServe 2008 – Lane Cove National Park

I haven’t done any gardening in a loooong time. I am always in favour of doing good for the environment however, so I lead a small group of other Googlers to help regenerate some bush land in Lane Cove National Park yesterday.

We were given a very detailed talk on the park, its origin and uses in the community, as well as warnings on animals that might spring at us – namely snakes, spiders and jumping ants (WTF?!). Our mission for the day – to clear out noxious weeds in part of the wildlife corridor to clear space for the nice plants we actually want to help grow strong – things like wattle and banksia – the pretty ones I like to photograph.

Armed with huge cutting tools and some pink of posion with red dye in it to stop them growing back, we trekked into the bush and started a day of hacking and posioning.

This cute little ring-tailed possum said “Hai” before going back to sleep.

Alec weilds the mighty tools.

Ummm what am I meant to do with these again?

It was a stunningly beautiful day.

Chatswood in the distance, beconing us home to clean up and eat afterwards.

Whoops – spilt dye on shoes makes them pink. Lucky I like the colour!

I had an amazingly good time, getting out anger by hacking up evil plants, getting a good work out and being in the beautiful sun all day. I did get home and collapse with exhaustion, but it was totally worth it. Yay, we saved some trees today!

From Prague, With Love

I developed a love for crystal animals while I was in Prague last year. I collected a few of them while I was there, then got home and regretted not buying more. A very lovely friend recently was there and send me home these little cuties.

Food & Wine Festival

Lisa and I decided to attend the Sydney Food & Wine Festival today to celebrate our mutual love of food and gluttony.

There were SO many people there it was just insane. We had to have a lot of patience, both with having to wait a while to get samples or buy anything and with the people in general. Events like this with freebies and great deals always bring out the absolute worst in human nature.

Highlights included the amazing deals up for offer in most of the booths. It was like extreme grocery shopping. Lowlights included the pushing, shoving and being run over by trolleys and prams as well as carrying around my loot after purchasing it!

Entry was $25 which I thought was a bit pricey, but we DID get a free wine glass to sample wine with and take home, as well as free samples from almost every booth. Lots and lots of fun!

The Lindt booth.

The dips Lisa was in love with.

Sweet potato dip.

Lisa eating butter chicken and spinach and lentil curries with rice.

We were Tokidoki twins.

Wine tasting booth.

Food bouquets.

Pepper and spice grinders.


Whisk & Pin – my favourite cereal.

This gluten-free cereal has sentimental value for me.

Free Dove samples.

My favourite pasta-makers were there.

Lisa and her sausage roll for lunch.


Lisa tries another dip.

This is a huge batch of raspberries being heated up to serve with pancakes. Yuuum.


Nutritional goodness.


Heading home with heavy bags.

I *may* have purchased a few things.

OK, so here is my swag.

The deals I got were amazing!

Pasta pack – gnocci, two kinds of pasta, cannelloni, homemade sauce and freezer bag – $25
Lindt – 13 full-size blocks – $25
Apples – six – $6
Instant noodles – three – $1
Lemon ice tea – $1
Iams fod food samples – free
Cucumber & pine nuts dip – free
Salt & pepper grinders – $5
Olives – two jars – $5
Stir-fry sauce – two bottles – $5

Food Etc On Friday

I had an exercise bonanza today – netball (we won! yay!) followed by a dance class with Kassie. On the way home I saw this on a round-about… Yes, what looks like a very expensive sports car underneath a huge concrete block …

I then met Alec to grab some chinese from Chatswood BBQ Kitchen. Alec had this new dish called Fook Kien Fried Rice and I had the usual.

Spring rolls – with meat unfortunately so only Alec could eat them. He said they were pretty good.

Edward Scissorhands

I was really keen to see this stage show but didn’t manage to get tickets. A work colleague of mine sold me his the day before the show as he was unable to make it – really tough for him, but fabulous news for Rosalie and myself.

I saw the movie a long time ago and didn’t remember much of it – the show was faithful to the movie from what I remember, but what resonated most with me was the beautiful, haunting music.

The show was created by Matthew Bourne, and was a strange hybrid of dancing and what could almost be described as mime … it was very successful however and incredibly entertaining. The actor who played Edward was fabulous – as was the whole cast actually.

I would strongly recommend this show for anything who isn’t a big fan of musicals or dance shows as well as people who are.