I’ve long been a fan of the Chaser boys. I also find them to be quite hit and miss – so funny when they’re right on the mark, and groaningly bad when they do (and especially sing) things that I just think are in bad bad taste.

The Chaser live show, at the Enmore Theatre, is pretty similar in all aspects to the TV show – except there is way, way more singing. Can the boys sing? Um, no they can’t. Does it stop them? Of course it doesn’t!

The show included jokes about Heath Ledger (sorry, not ready for that yet – I’m still in mourning for Heath), Scientology and Tom Cruise (jokes like this NEVER get old), Kevin Rudd and many other prominent Australians. It also wouldn’t be the Chaser show without some George W. Bush bashing. Also always a pleasure.

The show only went for just over an hour, but it was high energy and completely entertaining. My favourite section was on internet dating, where the team created fake profiles of different kinds of girls to see if it was possible to find true love on the internet. Reading the real-life responses to these over-the-top profiles was insanely funny.

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