The day started hot and humid, so we decided to go on a bush walk through the national park lands to see Coconut Beach. When we asked staff for directions, they looked at us with some puzzlement … which we later realised to be because they were wondering why we would want to trek though the bush on a day so humid most people didn’t leave the pool?!
The walk was beautiful. Extremely hot though, so we were sweating profusely after about five minutes of walking.
Cute bird – we saw them all over the island. They had cute little tail feathers that flicked up and down when they ran.

Lake with water lilies.

Finally, Coconut Beach!

Woo hoo!

Ahem …

It looks a lot more overcast here than it actually was.

Our walk was a bit longer than expected and we indulged a little too much at lunch – making us almost miss the wedding. A stressful half hour ensued where we washed sea salt out of our hair, threw on clothes, and ran up several hills in our party clothes to make the ceremony. We were on time, but were sweating a lot! On the plus side, if gave me a chance to try out my strategy with my new silver slingbacks that refuse to stay on. I bought some ribbon and tied them around the shoe – and they stayed on like a dream, even running – uphill!
The ceremony. Candice looking radiant with her new husband, Matt.


In front of the golf course following the ceremony, in a fit of romance.

After the 2pm ceremony there was a gap of three hours before the reception, so we went back to the room, showered again to remove the sweat, and relaxed. If felt much better getting dressed again in the cool early evening with plenty of time to spare.
The reception set up – all white candles and lace. Very pretty and elegant.

Cute little cupcakes.

Entry of the bridal couple.

Alec looking happy and relaxed.

Dessert tasting platter.

Us with Kat, one of Candice’s oldest friends, and Sarla, a friend from ACP.

No explanation needed. I can’t help myself.

Alec wonders why it took so long for the flash to go off.

Happy happy day!