This is not your average romantic comedy. It’s witty, poignant, sweet and sad, all rolled up into a tasty pie.
I haven’t seen a lot of Keri Russell lately. I used to love her in Felicity, and she shows in this movie why she was a huge hit in the show. She is so beautiful, in a best-friend-you-want-to-hug kind of way. She expresses so much in her adorable little face and huge eyes – in this film in particular, it’s sadness and extreme happiness.
Keri plays Jenna, a waitress who is stuck in a dead-end marriage with a dead-beat husband. The only thing Jenna has going for her is her talent of making fabulous pies. The pies are a running theme throughout the film, with Jenna making pies in her head to sum up the various situations she finds her self in, such as “I hate my husband” pie.
Nathan Fillion, Captain Malcom “Tightpants” Reynolds in Firefly, is her doctor who falls for her. It’s a great roll for him – he’s funny, sweet and sexy. And a doctor! The perfect leading man.
The dead-pan humour in this movie is great, especially from Keri Russell, in a role that is as far from self-absorbed Felicity as possible. She is quite luminously beautiful and has a great screen presence, with a girl-next-door quality that makes her a perfect leading lady, especially in a quirky, sweet movie like this.
Alec also enjoyed Waitress, so I think I can be safe in saying it deserves way more than to be dismissed as a “chick flick”. See it!