Adventure, baby!

Christine Knight

Christine is the editor of Adventure, Baby! She loves cake, her tolerant husband and her busy preschooler.

Atonement – The Movie

I recently read the novel so was keen to see the movie version of Atonement with Rosalie.

The early reviews were not overly flattering, so I wasn’t hoping for an amazing movie. I was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful it was. Very much like the book, it was delicate, understated and old world in style.

Atonement was also very faithful to the book, with only one major deviation from the novel – the ending of all things! I would have much preferred if the movie had remained completely faithful to the book, but I think the change was made to enable Briony to voice her thoughts and hopes for atonement. In the book she internalises her thoughts on this, and without a narrator in the movie, it would have been much harder to get the character development and message across.

What I enjoyed most about the film was the cinematography and small details like musical themes and whimsical moments of filming, capturing tiny moments that summed up the characters so perfectly and spoke louder than dialogue. I also thought the editing was fabulous, as well as storytelling methods like showing the same moment through different characters points of view. it could have been disjointed, but it as seamless.

Since I read the book first, I don’t know how much people who haven’t read it would enjoy the movie, but I loved it.

Team Thai and Arvo in Crows Nest

After a few days of being sick and doing nothing, I went to join Lisa in Crows Nest for an excellent afternoon and evening of chatting and food.

We got takeaway Thai from Team Thai on the main strip in Crows Nest.

Fresh veges just waiting for me.

My food being cooked.

Mmmmm veges and fried rice. My fave Thai food.

Cute cute kitty watching trains.


Puppies On Holiday

The girls came to stay with us in Chatswood. We took them to a park for an afternoon snuffle.

Kahlua on the look out.

Buffy is having a lip-smacking good time.

Alec chills out.

Beautiful Kahlua relaxes.

Me and the Buff.

Me with Kahlua.

Where’s The Bee?

I’m learning how to make my own videos. This is my first attempt. Kahlua and Buffy playing with their bee toys on Xmas day.

Christmas Day

I love Christmas. I love having family together, spending time with my puppies and presents 🙂

Christmas this year was at my parents’ house. Alec, Jan and his Uncle Alec came over for lunch, so we had a large family get together for the day.

The tree with bountiful presents.

Getting stuck into present-opening.

Kahlua observes from her perch.

Mum having a great time.

Kahlua is exhausted by it all.

Kahlua examining the Christmas carnage.

Alec looking for an escape route to play with his new toy

Alec and Unc get the dragonfly in the air.

Mmmm Christmas feast.

Self-portrait with mini-Buff wedged in the middle.

Dessert number one – mum’s awesome pavlova.

Dessert number two – my frozen berry cake.

Amy goes bananas.

Dessert number three – gingerbread house – yuuuummmm.

Taking the house apart.

The girls spend time with their pop.

Me and my babies.

Port Stephens Holiday – Day 3

After a leisurely breakfast, Alec and I checked out of the hotel. We went to lunch at the Inner Light Tea Rooms with Lisa and Alan before heading back to Sydney.

The tea house is on the site of the old light house and has amazing views of the bays.

Lisa and Alan and their root beer spiders.
Magpie on the lookout.
Mmmm quiche.

Tasty scones.

This little fellow caught a worm right at my feet. Having people around didn’t bother him in the slightest.

Port Stephens Holiday – Day 2

We both slept badly, so had a big sleep in, then drove down to Fingal Bay to spend a cruisy day lying on the beach.

By a total co-incidence, Alec’s dad and his wife were staying at the same hotel as us, so we met up with them for dinner that night. After dinner we went down to the marina at Solder’s Point to watch the sun set.

Port Stephens Holiday – Day 1

After several weeks of being sick, spending a few days relaxing at Port Stephens with Alec was just what I needed.

We stayed at Salamander Shores on Soldier’s Point. Since we booked last minute, we didn’t have much of a choice of places. We had a “garden view” room, which overlooked a rainforest type of fernery. It was really pretty, like being in a rainforest canopy, along with the kookaburras that woke me up the following morning.

View from the balcony.

Our room – it came complete with a headless Alec.

The storm started rolling in in the late afternoon. This pic is taken from Soldier’s Point – you can see the storm in the distance.

Alec on the wharf. He loves having his picture taken.

Self-portrait. I am addicted.

Wandering around the garden at the hotel.

Hugest rainbow I have ever seen.

Amazing sunset over Nelson Bay.

We found a delicious noodle place at Nelson Bay – fast, delicious veges and noodles… mmmmmm.

National Treasure Book Of Secrets

I loved the first National Treasure movie – rollicking good fun, I think I called it at the time. Clean fun with a happy ending. My perfect movie.

When the sequel opened this week, Alec and I were keen to go. We’ve seen so many movies lately with sad endings, I just needed something happy!

National Treasure lived up to its promises – action, flippant, superficial characters, codes needing to be broken, and a happy ending. Perfect!

I enjoyed the entire movie. Yes, it’s not the best movie ever. In fact, it’s got some pretty bad things about it – bad writing and characterisation, clues that require enormous leaps of assumption to get the answer, which of course Nicholas Cage’s character gets off the top of his head, and Nicholas Cage himself – he looks like he’s lost quite a lot of weight and has had some kind of plastic surgery or air brushing on his neck. Still, all of this doesn’t matter. I really really enjoyed the movie and will be getting it on DVD to watch again on rainy sad days.

The premise of the movie – I really should get to that. Nicholas Cage’s character (Ben Gates) is presented with evidence that suggests his great-great-grandfather was a conspirator in the Lincoln assassination. In order to clear his ancestor’s name, he has to find the treasure his great–great-grandfather was helping to conceal. To do this, Gates has to break into all kinds of famous places like Buckingham Palace, the White House and kidnap the President to get information out of the legendary Presidents’ Book of Secrets, which supposedly contains all of the secrets of the United States, like the truth behind the JFK assassination. Far fetched – yes, Did I care? No.

The movie borrowed heavily from several other movies that I love, like The Goonies, Raiders Of The Lost Ark and The Da Vinci Code. At least it did it well! Fine holiday fun.