Adventure, baby!

Month: July 2010

Freshly Cut at the Gaelic Club

I was contacted to photograph a music event sponsored by Jim Beam – Freshly Cut at the Gaelic Club. I haven’t photographed live music before, and after I had finished, I decided it wasn’t really for me. I did however appreciate the opportunity and was happy that I still managed to get some interesting shots. The three bands I photographed were called Seven Steady, Iron Jack and the Snowdroppers.

Eagle view from the balcony of Iron Duke.

Ahh the fans. This was Seven Steady.

Iron Duke again.

The lead singer of Iron Duke enjoyed singing from the balcony. Risky moves, I enjoyed it!

AIME National Hoodie Day

I haven’t had time to blog lately, I’ve been too busy taking photos and working.

One event I photographed was the launch of AIME’s National Hoodie Day. One benefit to being the photographer is you get to meet everyone, such as the ambassadors Wendell Sailor and Ian Thorpe.

Football legend Wendell Sailor.

Me and Thorpie. He is a bit of a giant.

Michael Paynter Live at TGIF

Sometimes I remember how amazing it is to work where I do. This Friday was one of those days, when at TGIF we had not only wine tasting from Oyster Bay, but also a live performance from a Sony artist, Michael Paynter. I hadn’t heard his music before, but thought he had a fantastic voice. Thanks so much for coming in and performing for us Michael!

Rocking out at TGIF.

Great to meet you Michael! Love your work.

Appreciate Chocolate? – Yes I Do

I attended another of Signorelli’s cooking classes for Greg’s birthday. The chocolate-lover’s birthday fell on the day of the course, so we considered it a sign from above that we were meant to be there.

This time, it was Appreciate Chocolate with Kakawa Chocolate‘s Jin Sun Kim and David Ralph. The class consisted of a master tasting session, history of chocolate and demonstrations of how to temper chocolate, make ganache and create truffles.

The evening started with a platter of delicious fruits and dipping chocolate, and some potent Toblerone cocktails.

Nothing says welcome like a tasting platter…

… and cocktails.

Hello there birthday boy.

Ohhh, pretty things waiting to be tasted.

The husband enjoys his chocolately goodness.

As do I!
Kakawa’s David Ralph spouts wisdom.

Ground up cacao beans – not especially tasty.

Dark chocolate – not my favourite, but not bitter like most generic dark chocolate is.

White “chocolate”. Mmm sugary…

Blend of milk chocolate – love it. The markings are from bubble wrap.

Champagne truffles.

Basil truffles. Not for me, but very shiny.

Passionfruit/mango truffles. Amazing.

Almond slivers in milk chocolate.

Tempering chocolate.

Mmmm I’d like to lick the chocolate off the slab. Who cares about truffles.

Hello master bar tender. Thank you for the exquisite beverages.

Why birthday boy, whatever do you have there?
The class was excellent and I learned a great deal about chocolate. I was also given a huge amount of chocolate to taste and then take home. I have a high tolerance for chocolate, but still felt ill after eating so much chocolate. I can’t wait to go to Kakawa’s store eat more of their chocolate!

Ground floor of Accenture/Google Building
Trouton Place Pyrmont NSW 2009
(opposite Metcalfe Park)
P: 02 8571 0616

Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

As the first year of my 30s draws to a close (yikes), I wanted to reflect on some positives to being in the next decade.

1. I’m not working in a crappy part-time job earning peanuts. Hooray for financial independence!
2. As a result of 1), I can afford the pretty things I wanted to buy in my 20s and couldn’t afford. Hellooooo Alannah Hill and fancy camera.
3. Being married is so much better than dating and being in your 20s. Being married is totally awesome.
4. Self confidence. I have come to terms with who I am and am not. I am not thin, super-model pretty, a talented singer or an Olympic athlete. I am, however, a great photographer, pretty funny according to my husband, a great friend, daughter and wife, and apparently good at my job. And I’m comfortable with being just that.

Things I don’t like about the 30s:

1. Hearing terms like the “dirty 30s”. Hello, does that have any facts behind it, or is it just the rhyming? I think the 20s were dirtier, personally.
2. Being the oldest person in my netball team. The youngest just turned 17. Can we say generation gap?
3. My body getting slower. It upsets me that I can’t keep up with sports as I used to. I hate feeling slow and getting tired more quickly.
4. Goodbye metabolism! I really should eat better.

All-in-all, the pros are pretty great.

Our 6-Month-versary in Parramatta Park

The past six months have flown. I can’t believe we’ve been married for half a year already. Amazing.

We wanted to do something a bit fun for the occasion, so I booked lunch at Lachlan’s Restaurant in Parramatta Park since we had promised to drop by the Winterfest afterwards to see Daniel’s group, the Orion Consort, perform.

Lachlan’s is smack bang in the middle of Parramatta Park. The building was once Lachlan Macquarie’s old government house. It has been resorted and turned into a restaurant. Thankfully, the old world charm remains. 

Strolling across the park, on a stunning winter’s day, towards the restaurant.

Tables set up on the balcony.

We were a bit early, so took a stroll around the property. The restaurant sits on Parramatta River. Very picturesque.


Dappled husband!

Happy 6-month-versary husband!

Looking out over the river.



Our cosy table by the fire.

Herb bread with sun dried tomato. Very nice, fresh bead.

Potato and cauliflower soup with croutons. This was sensational. Creamy, thick and steaming hot.

Fish and chips.

Pumpkin and ricotta tart. It was a bit over-cooked sadly. I’ve eaten it before at this restaurant and it was sensational.


Coffee for the coffee bunny.

Money shot.

Sticky date and banana pudding. It was quite nice, but could have done with a smaller cake portion and more sauce. It was a little bit dry.

After lunch we walked over the bridge to Winterfest.

Not much I can say about this.

After drinking almost an entire bottle of wine, I was in a very cheery mood – perfect to enjoy the festivities.

Erm .. an Anglo Saxon?

Let the blood fest begin!

The Orion Consort. Very nice performance guys.


I love you husband 🙂