Adventure, baby!

Month: March 2009

Andrew Calman’s Farewell

Our dear friend Andrew is moving to Google NYC. He had a barbeque today in Centennial Park with family and friends to say goodbye to the Calmanator era.

I’m sorry to see another friend leave the country, but we will be staying with Calman (hopefully!) when we are in NYC in July, so we have something fun to look forward to.

We had such a lovely day, sitting in the autumn sun with friends and hanging out with the Duffs, Calman and his friends and family.

Baby Liam Duff and mum Chantal are too adorable for words.


Nom nom nom!

The most photographed baby in the world 🙂

Boys bond for the last time in Sydney.

Umm … I don’t know what to say about this.

Daniel’s Surprise 30th Birthday Party

While Alec was in Mountain View we were organising a surprise 30th birthday party for his best friend, Daniel. It was quite a lot of organising, and I was a little concerned that things would completely fall apart at the last minute, but everything went to plan and the birthday boy was both totally surprised and happy to see all of his friends gathered for the occasion.

Daniel blows out the candles … yes, that is a swan cake.

Alec was so tired by this stage. I picked him up at the airport at 7am, then the cake at 9am. We both look tired and relieved that it all worked out!

Happy 30th Daniel!

Alec in Mountain View

While I was sweating it out at the corporate games, Alec was working hard at Google Mecca. He took my beautiful camera with him to claim tax back and played around with it – including the photo below. It was just too delightful not to blog 🙂

NSW Corporate Games 2009

In a fit of what I can only call crazy, I signed up for the volleyball (!!) and netball teams for the NSW corporate games.

I haven’t played volleyball since .. well, I’ve never played volleyball, so I don’t know what possessed me there. Netball was a no-brainer – except we signed up and then Alec had to pull out due to a sudden work trip – nooooooooooooo!

It was an incredibly exhausting week – netball practice game Wednesday night, volleyball Thursday (we had our butts kicked in all three games), followed by a day of pain on Friday and then … six games of netball on Saturday, starting at 10:45 and ending at 6:30. I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired and drained.

Despite my lack of experience, I really enjoyed volleyball – until a rogue ball hit my arm and it swelled up to double the size, and I also really enjoyed the netball day, even though it was challenging, both physically and mentally.

With the netball comp, we won the three games in our pool but ended up placed fourth over all, so we had to play a quarter-finals game (which we smashed) followed immediately with a semi-finals game against the first seeded team. There was NO way we were going to win this game, and moral went way down. There wasn’t much of a come-back after that. We had to play one last game to decide third and fourth place, and we were just so over it after having our asses kicked in our fifth game for the day that having to straight away play a sixth game was just too much.

I’m super-impressed at how well we did – fourth out of 20 teams, with a team that was not bad, but definitely not our best. And to play six games in a row – I think it was an amazing effort and I was really proud of our achievement.

Erm, snazzy netball outfits.

Volleyball – going for a shot!

The volleyball team.

New Camera!

I caved and bought the Canon 5D Mark 2. I’ve been lusting after it for a while and thought now was as good a time as any, so I made the purchase and tried not to freak out while handing over my credit card.

First pics taken on the new camera! Games night at Chatswood.

Goodbye Darling Park

After almost four years at the Darling Park complex and three in my current office, it’s time time to say goodbye! We are moving to a brand-spanking new office across the harbour in Pyrmont – I can see it from my window in fact. It’s been pretty interesting watching its progression every day – and I can’t quite believe it’s time to move.

My desk all packed and ready to leave.

Close-up of the view I will be leaving behind.