1. I think my purpose in life has something to do with animals. I’m just not sure in what way yet.
2. I’d wanted to be vegetarian for a long time, but didn’t think I could do it. A year and a bit ago I stopped eating meat completely – it was one of the best changes I’ve made in my life and one that I’m the most proud of doing and sticking to. I used to feel guilty every time I ate meat and now I can eat and feel happy.
3. Finding Alec was the most unexpected surprise in my life so far. I never thought I would find someone who was such a perfect match for me.
4. Most of my closest friends are those I’ve known the longest – since the first year of high school or even earlier. I am fiercely loyal to friends but sometimes expect too much back in return.
5. I constantly feel like I never accomplish anything. I have several projects on the way at all times and as a result nothing ever gets finished properly.
6. I want to work at the RSPCA or WIRES but am scared I won’t be able to handle the sadness that would come with the job.
7. I saved the life of our Golden Retriever when I was about 10. She was choking on a stick – I reached into her mouth, down her throat and pulled it out without thinking about it twice. Nowadays I’m not sure if I would do the same, or just stand by and panic.
8. I worry incessantly about things like Am I living my life to the fullest? Have I wasted precious time? I also worry constantly about death – mine, my parents’, my dogs’, Alecs’ and animals all over the world.
9. My dream job would be to be an animal photographer working on National Geographic.
10. I have little empathy for people unless I know them, but an infinite amount for animals.
11. People think I talk way too much. I also have a constant internal monologue always going, so people should count themselves lucky it stays internal, or my talking volume would be tripled.
12. I love chocolate with a reverence that’s not quite right. I love discovering new chocolate cafes everywhere I go and inhaling everything I can on the menu.
13. White chocolate disgusts me. It should not be called chocolate, ok?
14. I love traveling. I dream of the places I haven’t seen yet – most of them have exotic animals I want to see in the wild. Top of my list is Africa and Antarctica so I can see the penguins.
15. My mood swings have prompted Alec to call me the Hulk. A call of “Hulk smash!” when I’m in a crappy mood invariably makes me laugh at myself and get over it.
16. I’ve only lived in Sydney Australia – I really want to live in another country for a period of time but will always want to return to Sydney as it’s where I feel at home and happy.
17. I’m terrified of aging. I’m scared of my body not doing what I want it to do anymore and of becoming physically unable to do all the things I enjoy. This is one reason I throw myself into too many things at once, to make the most of the time I have.
18. When I was younger all I wanted to do was dance. It’s been a life-long passion – dancing myself, plus anything to do with dance – photography, movies, books. I also find myself busting a move or two on the street when I hear bits of a song that I like, or on the train when I’m listening to my iPhone.
19. I’ve recently discovered that I love pole dancing. It makes me feel strong and femanine at the same time.

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