Adventure, baby!

Month: September 2008

Sushi Tei

Beverly and I put ourselves through a pump class at the gym, then indulged in noodles at Sushi Tei – one of Bev’s favourite places nearby. I love Japanese noodles and this place had a wide variety of delicious noodle and sushi dishes – as well as very polite service.

Bev practice’s Alec’s “stop taking photos of me” look. Check out the giant menu.

Potato and corn cakes.

My udon noodle soup. Very simple and plain.

Bev’s cutlet.

Sesame ice cream.

My ice-cream with chocolate inside thingy. I don’t know what it was called but it was very unique!

Isis’ Hen Night

Isis chose a hen day with a difference – a pole dancing class followed by dinner.

The class took place at Studio Verve, a little place in Surry Hills. I have taken a few pole dancing classes several years ago when it was just starting to become a trend, and it’s amazing to see how much it has changed from unstructured lessons in strip clubs to properly kitted out studios with syllabus’ and levels of classes.

The hen looks hot to trot.

Go Isis!

Alice takes a spin.

My turn. Weee!

Our instructor, Angie, shows us some advanced moves.

It looks pretty easy, eh?

Our turn to learn a routine.

Finishing pose.

Gratuitous butt shot #1.

Gratuitous butt shot #2.

Posing after the hard work is done. Hussies!

Group shot – go pole dancing!

The hen and Alice start with the drinks.

I try to get the hang of spins.

Me and Jenn – posing again.

Changed and ready for the night on the town.

All the girls at Pazzo, Surry Hills. Delish food at a reasonable reasonable price. It was about $50 pp for antipasto platters, bruscetta, a main (I had pumpkin filled pasta with pea pesto. Ultra tasty!) and a dessert platter. It was also BYO. We all brought a bottle of wine and got incredibly sloshed.

Yuuuuum! The marriageable dessert platter.

Google 10th B’day Party

We celebrated Google’s 10th birthday with a party at Simmer on the Bay, Walsh Bay.

Candles with the sun setting in the background.

Giant cupcake in the foyer – wishing it was real!

I’m such a poser.

With Flo, from

Food coming around on a giant plank.

Caught doing what I do best – talking.

Google mural.

Crazy performers in the background.

“Oh hai!”

With Katia.

Leanne with a fish and chips bucket. I tried to collect a few of the buckets to bring home but the efficient workers took them every time I put them down!

Pucker up for some SUGAR!

The night progresses and the wine kicks in.

This was taken off the top of Darren’s head, hence the strange bits of hair in the foreground.

Hugs all around.

Surf’s up, Olah!

Leg and foot shot. No idea where this came from.

Little goody bag we took home.

Cute optical mouse.

More sugar – mmmm!!

Oh Hai!

I just love love love this photo of Alec taken with a wide-angle lens.

Father’s Day in Newcastle

The sun came out and we made the long drive to Newcastle to see Alec’s dad on Father’s Day.

We stopped at a little cafe on Darby Street called Anacapri – it was completely packed, always a good sign.

Open windows, nice airy feel.


Alec ponders his meal choices.

Roasted vegetable salad with rocket, balsamic, fried fetta and pine nuts. The fried fetta was a brilliant addition.

I had a vegetarian breakfast – scrambled free-range eggs with fetta and spinich, corn fritter, grilled tomatoes and thick toast. Delicious and filling.

The outside area leading to the courtyard, where we sat.

Alec’s fish and wedges.

Exit time!

After eating we head on down to Nobby’s for a walk in the lovely weather. I loved this area that was a dog beach – so many happy little dogs all in one area, it really made my day.

We also saw a pod of dolphins in the harbour. An odd choice of venue for dolphins, but it was amazing to see them there.

Stelth shot of an Afgan Hound – with a close hair cut. I’ve never seen one of these as a pet before.


Crazy wind makes my hair go nuts.

Alec and his dad – Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Birthday Mum!

A very rainy cold day was not the best way to celebrate my mum’s birthday, but despite the weather we managed to have a really great day.

Alec and I met my parents and Tim #2 (a friend of my brother, Tim #1, who is staying with them for a while) at a King St Wharf restaurant in the city. I was too hungry and cold to photo the meal, but it was delicious and I sat under a very toasty heater, so i was a happy girl.

We adjourned to the nearby Lindt Cafe for dessert.

The birthday cake – a hazelnut, chocolate creation. Delicious!

The birthday girl.

Mum’s soy cap – with tasty chocolate flakes.

Alec’s dark hot chocolate – very French style!

Tim #2 and Dad share a laugh.

Our table of chocolate goodness.

Me and Mum.

Cold! Wet! Ready to go home.

Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation Lunch at Jordons

I love a good cause, especially when it involves the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation.

Today I spent a lovely afternoon at Jordons in Darling Harbour with many other like-minded women supporting a great cause.

I’ve been to a few of these style of event and I think this was the nicest so far. It could have been the lavish displays of pink everywhere, or the excessively girlishness of it all that did it for me – or it might have been the delicious food and the simplicity of the event. No entertainment was needed, no excessive speeches. Just a few poignant moments and plenty of time to chat with old and new friends while raising money for the cause.

Google table – yeah!

Pink merchandise everywhere.

Sussing out the silent auction items with the fabulous view in the background.

The Mimco bag I had my eye on – and “won” in the silent auction. Hey, it’s for charity!

With girly partners in crime.

Our table of 20 like-minded ladies.

Sweet touches on the table.

Angela Bishop, the MC.

Cous cous with lentils, fetta and more.

Pumpkin risotto with spinach and sun dried tomatoes.

Fresh salad.

Tasty chips.

Most delicious dessert – pink mirangue with some kind of berry / passionfruit cream. So tasty I ate two.

With my bag after the auction end – while I was still on a buying high and before it set in that I had accidentally bought a bag.

Bye for now!