Adventure, baby!

Month: March 2008

Paddo, Bite Me & Szechwan Gardens

Bev, Lise and I spend an awesome day at Paddington markets, Bite Me and Szechwan Gardens. Thanks girls!
Who says she can’t eat a foot-long hot dog?

Mini Vege burgers.

In! In!

Topless burger.

Vroom vroom!

What? All gone?

The free ice-cream Bev received for eating the whole hot dog.

Cupcake hat?


Shower cap as fashion item.

The cupcake looked amazing but didn’t taste as good. It was missing something I couldn’t quite identify.

Matching sunnies are cool. 

The boys joined us for dinner at Szechwan Gardens in St Leonards. 

The “eight precious vegetables” dish was mine – totally delicious.

My deep and meaningful fortune cookie message.

Fresh-as-a-daisy fried ice-cream.

Fried ice-cream porn shot.

Banana fritter.

My new earrings. The extreme close-up isn’t very flattering.

My pretty bag in “ballet pink” and awesome lipgloss. It’s non-sticky and moisturising, with a touch of colour. Bev bargained the bag lady down from $79 and $75 per bag to $140 for two. Way to go!


I can’t help myself 🙂
This little felt unicorn was bought from

These gumboots came from the Easter show. With Sydney weather the way it is I think I will be needing them.

Chris’ 27th B’day

I was a bit late to Chris’ dinner last night, but I still made it in time for drunken photos and babycakes.

I think these photos do justice to the evening without any commentary. Happy b’day Chris!

Step Up 2: The Streets

Dance movies are a source of extreme relaxation for me. Nothing is more entertaining than some well-executed routines, with a romance usually thrown in for good measure.

Rosalie and I both loved Step Up the original, so of course we were super-keen to see the sequal, imaginatively titled “Step Up 2 The Streets“.
The movie has completely new characters but set in the same neighbourhood. The focus is also more on the neighbourhood than just the school, and is the story of a B-girl who, rather than trying to fit in with a performing arts school she is made to attend to avoid being sent to live in Texas, instead helps other students who don’t fit the typical dancer mould to become a dance crew. The crew rehearse with the intent to perform at the infamous (and apparently illegal – dancing is dangerous, yo!) “streets” competition where crews battle in the same way that rappers do.
The dance sequences are fierce – some really strong dancing, and I really loved the last dance piece – in the rain no less. I found the clip on YouTube, so watch it if you don’t mind a spoiler.

Easter Sunday!

My parents and I decided to spend the day driving down south to Stanwell Park for some family time. What a beautiful day it turned out to be! Finally a blue sky and some sun to warm my skin.
I forget what this sport is called, but there were loads of crazy people jumping off the cliffs with parachutes on.

The beautiful view.

Mum and Dad.
Art gallery which is attached to a cafe where we ate lunch.

The cafe had AMAZING food – they made me this creation below – thyme roasted Roma tomatoes on sour dough, with potato rosti, mushroom, a vege patty and rocket. Delicious!

We then walked over the new sea bridge.
My new hat – two views of the different ways it can be worn. I’m not a hat person, but I’m totally in love with this one.

Horton Hears a Who

Lisa and I are small children at heart, worshiping at the shrine of cuteness. We’ve been waiting for months for Horton to come out, and we were not disappointed. 
The animation for a start is amazing. The scenes is set in a jungle with Horton, the eccentric elephant, finding a spec that contains a whole world on it. The spec rests on a flower, and Horton makes it his mission to save the residents of the spec, the Whos of Whoville, by taking them to cave on top of a mountain.
Horton’s mission is hampered by the head of the tribe, a kangaroo who fears change. The kangaroo sends a vulture called Vlad after him to destroy the spec to protect the town from Horton’s controversial ideas.
The movie has several homages to the original Dr Seuss animation, which I loved, and the narration kept the rhyming couplets from the original book as well.
Lise and I were the only adults in the cinemas without children, but found the movie was skewed to adults as well as children, so we both enjoyed it thoroughly. It kept the kids totally enthralled – no whining, crying, talking kids in the entire two hours. Except for a whack on the head I received from the toddler sitting behind me, I totally forgot we were seeing a kids movie. 
My favourite thing about the movie was the theme, and line Horton spoke – “A person is a person, no matter how small”. A thought we could all keep and apply to race and species I think.

The Sydney Easter Show

I took my parents to the Easter show for a day of family bonding.
Photos of mine on display (top left and the pink one on the middle).

Award-winning cake. Yuuummmm.

Pugs. I never get sick of them.
BIG doggy.
Cactus with a bum on top.
Show jumping.
Fluffy alpacas just out of the bath.
Cows from my old school.
Me in the farmyard nursery area with a calf.
Freshly hatched chicks.
Polo to finish it all off.

Happy Sunday

Had a really great day today. Met up with Nick to take some pics of carnivorous plants and then went to Lisa’s place for eating cupcakes, Thai, chatting and watching SYTYCD. 
Me being a complete tourist today.