Adventure, baby!

Month: February 2008

Wi Marn Thai Restaurant

Alec and I frequently get awesome takeaway from Wi Marn in Chatswood and decided to track them down to eat in-house on Monday night.

Wi Marn is located in Help St, Chatswood, near the station. It’s a delightful place, really traditional Thai decor and very polite attentive staff.

Alec ponders his menu choice.

Vege spring rolls. Crisp and filled with yummy things.

My vege fried rice. Lots of big chunks of veges hidden in there.

Alec’s lemon chicken. He said it was delicious and the sauce smelt amazing.

I would highly recommend this little gem of a place. Alec and I will be back.


This was a Sunday afternoon reward for exercising and cleaning.

Hayden Christenson (David) stars in this sci-fi adventure movie, along with Rachel Bilson (Millie) and Jamie Bell (Griffin). At age 15, David discovers he is a “jumper”, which means he can teleport through space – although not time. This means he can quite literally jump from, say, London to the top of the Sphinx in Egypt, or he can jump a foot closer to the TV remote so he doesn’t have to actually get up and reach for it.

David is an outcast when we meet him. In love with Millie and with no friends. After discovering his talent he escapes his life to recreate himself. Eight years later he finds himself back in his home town and looks up Millie. He also discovers that he is being hunted by a group of religious fanatics who have been hunting jumpers for centuries.

Hayden has coped a lot of slack for his acting skills – or lack there of. I have to say I’m not a huge fan either, but I do think he’s awfully nice to look at! It’s Jamie Bell who turns in a really strong performance – I’m looking forward to following his career.

I really enjoyed the movie – it was lots of action, splashed with sci-fi and romance – the perfect movie for a lazy weekend.

Dinner At Longrain

For Brandon’s last night in Sydney we went to dinner at Longrain in Surry Hills. Longrain don’t take bookings (at least on Saturday nights like when we went), so we had to wait in the bar area for an hour and a half till they had room for us. The bar area was really funky and they served appetisers and amazing cocktails.

Longrain isn’t my fave restaurant – I tend to think it’s popular because it’s trendy, not because it’s amazing. I hate to be negative, but it’s just not the kind of restaurant I like. Firstly, I’m not a fan of the atmosphere – it’s quite loud, so I find it really hard to hear what people are saying. It also take s a long time to get food, so I would recommend eating in advance – we were there at 6, sat down at 7:30 and my food arrived at 8:15. By that stage I was so hungry I had eaten two bowls of plain rice out of desperation.

Longrain is a bit of a “sharing” restaurant, where you order big dishes between several people – except we ordered our own food, which arrived at stages, so some people got food straight away, and others had to wait 30 minutes. Not cool! I also didn’t think the service was great. Very poor in face, compared with other restaurants of similar price. I also thought it was over-priced. Alec ordered snapper – it was $50. For one fish – just the fish, with nothing else. He did say it was amazing fish though 🙂 Last thing I wasn’t impressed with was the lighting – really dark and none of my photos turned out after the sun went down.

On the plus side, we had a really great night. Really great friends and conversation.

Janice and Andy want their beverages. Stat.


Seb loves his beer.

More beer!

Janice’s cocktail.



Calman chugs back an oyster.

Dessert tray.

My New Baby

I feel so grown up. Meet my first very own car – yes, I know, I know, I’m a late bloomer in the car-buying department.

Still, here she is, the Red Rascal. I wanted to call her the Hot Tamali but I was out-voted 🙁

On our first outing – to dance class. She loved it. It made her endorphins flow.

Valentine’s Day

Alec has been pampering me today. Breakfast in bed and cooking me dinner tonight – my favourite kind of pizza and salad.

Bocconcini, basil and Roma tomato pizza ready to go in the oven.

Yum. Ready to eat.

Spinach, tomato and feta salad.

Alec giving the salad a good toss.


Sheilds UP!

This guy has the best defense systems ever.

I can imagine doing this myself at work – “No, I won’t do it, you can’t make me!”