Adventure, baby!


Chocolate Heaven

Alec and I stopped at San Churro again today for chocolate.

I think I will adopt this as my motto.

The “Hot & Cold” – hot chocolate with white chocolate ice-cream.

The awesome mugs. I want one!

Alec tries the “azteca” – it has a bit too much chili in it.


Churros – deep-fried dough with chocolate dipping sauce. Fat with fat. Mmmmmm.

The cafe/store.

The churros being deep-fried.

Pho Xic Lo

We tried a new Vietnamese place in Chatswood last night.

Photos taken on my handy iPhone.

Vegetarian spring rolls.

Some kind of extra hot and spicy thing Alec had.

My vegetarian fried rice. As the waitress described it “with no veges”. Hmmm!

Boat House Restaurant

This was a work lunch with some fave clients. I was a bit concerned at first because it’s a seafood restaurant, but it turned out to have the most amazing vegetarian food. It was my first true vege outing and it was great to see not only that the food was delicious, but everyone was looking at my food with envy and wanting to eat it instead of theirs. Woo! Yay veges!

We give our sign of approval.

Tomato and almond gazpacho (I thought the waiter was saying gestapo. I had to Google it.).

Woodside Goats Curd Tuile with Borage & Cucumber Dressing. Soooo tasty.

Some kind of tomato salad with amazing feta. Best balsamic dressing ever.

Potato Gnocchi with Broad Beans, Asparagus & Lemon. Yuuummmm. By this time I was stuffed but kept going.

Hand Cut Chips, Fennel & Lemon Salt. I asked for tomato sauce, which surprised the staff. I guess it’s not the done thing in a posh restaurant.

Rockmelon Sorbet, Jasmine Petal Mousse & Citrus Israeli Cous Cous. My favourite flavour sorbet. Delightful!

By the end of lunch my stomach was so huge it was poking out of my dress. I am such a piggy.

San Churro

I found a delicious new chocolate cafe in Chatswood called San Churro. I only stopped by the have a hot chocolate but it was so tasty I had to blog about it.

The chocolateria is Spanish, and they also make a specialty dish called churros I believe – some kind of dough deep fried and dipped in chocolate. Yuuuum.

I didn’t have my camera with me, but I did have my shiny new iPhone and took some pics to test it out.

I loved the hot chocolate so much I bought a box of it for Alec to make for me when he’s feeling extra nice. He makes the best hot chocolate.


Inside – lots of delicious chocolatey things.

My Big Day Out

I’ve been super lazy lately so it felt good to have an active day again.

I started the day with a quick climb with Mel at St Leonards Gym, then Alec and I picked up Vladan to check out bathroom parts. We selected a colour theme, tiles, vanity, etc – I can’t wait till it’s done now. We chose a Mediterranean kind of theme – very rich blue floor tiles, stark white wall tiles with blue mosaic pieces as a stripe to run horizontally around the room, and an awesome vanity with lights in the mirror to make up for the terrible lighting in the bathroom.

After bathroom shopping we stopped at my fave Chatswood cafe, Marcello, for lunch. I ordered an open avocado, tomato, bacon and Camembert cheese sandwich with the best ice chocolate in Sydney. It looked so impressive I had to photo it.

After lunch I had to rush to make my 4pm dance class at Sydney Dance with Daniel. We love crazy Kassey’s class, and today was no exception. Lots of fun and make me feel better about all the chocolate I’ve been eating lately.

A quick shower and I was on the road again, this time to Emily and Lorin’s Sydney wedding bash. Em looked radiant, there was lots of tasty food (yes, I am a piggy and I did shovel it as soon as I found the mammoth block of cheese) and great company – a big bunch of Googlers.

Em passed around jello shots and equally popular strawberrys and dipping chocolate. Yuuuuum. What a busy, great day!

The beautiful Emily and her potent jello shots.

With the rest of the Google girls.

Chinese Noodle Restaurant

We took Jan to Chinatown for noodles on her last night in Sydney. Alec loves Chinese Noodle Restaurant, so off we went.

Busy! There was a line out the door when we left.

Full of noodle-lovers. Note the decor. Fake grape vines on the roof. Interesting.

Fresh noodle stir fry, dumplings and egg fried rice. Delicious.

Sweet corn, peas and pine nuts. Great combo funnily enough.

Required self-portrait.

At Central station on the way home I impulse-bought a cactus arrangement. I decided it would be nice to have more plants around the place. Let’s hope I don’t kill them all too quickly.

Date Night

Alec and I went for dinner to a Vietnamese place called Golden Bo in Chatswood to give it a try. Delicious!

Vegetarian spring rolls.

Fried egg noodles and vegetables.

Combination meat, vegetables and rice noodles.

We then saw Knocked Up at the movies. It was pretty funny, and a lot better than I had thought it would be. I really like Katherine Heigl from Grey’s Anatomy.

Food, Fashion & Ferrets

I spent the day with Beverly shopping, playing with ferrets and eating. I have to give Bev major props for helping convince me to get the gorgeous Alannah Hill tunic.

Star was a little mental.

Misty was the chilled out one.

Beautiful cakes at Sweet Art. Happy Feet! I’ve never seen a penguin cake before.

An interesting wedding cake …

Shop window – I loved the cake in the bottom left corner that was the giant cupcake crawling with cute critters.

Ballet shoe heaven – the sale at Parisian Ballet Flats.

Beverly’s chocolate pudding dessert at Mickey’s cafe.

My caramel sundae. No wonder I feel ill right now.

Where Did The Trains Go?

Cityrail had a breakdown last night and trains stopped running to the North Shore. Alec and I made the best of the situation and had dinner at our favourite Spanish tapas restaurant, Miro. It’s named after the artist and has some nice Miro murals painted on some of the walls.

Nice interior.

Stealthy Alec shot.

The tasty food arrives.

Walking home.

You are Milk Chocolate

A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment… even those from long ago.

Fabulous Saturday

The sun came out and I had one of those really rare, wonderful days.

Alec and I went to brunch at our favourite Chatswood cafe. I then met up with Shelley and went shopping. Lastly was the Make-A-Wish charity ball. Why can’t I have more days like this?

The “Chatswood Express” plus tomato.

Alec and I capture the moment.

All dressed up with a ball to go to!