Adventure, baby!


Callala Beach Getaway

Alec surprised me with a beach weekend down south at Callala beach. He rented a dog-friendly house and spirited me away after work on Friday night for a lovely weekend.


Buffy’s first time on sand.

Kahlua has a bad hair day.

Freedom! First time off leash in public.

Hunter Valley Offsite

Occasionally I get sent to cool places like the Sebel Kirkton Park Hotel in the Hunter Valley for an offsite.

The hotel was stunning, set in beautiful rollings hills. The property had a few dams and I saw some kangaroos hopping in the distance.

This is the room I shared with Katia. Another thing about offsites – they’re kind of like having a sleepover in high school again. I always get great roommates so it’s a lot of fun.

Bird of paradise flowers.

Where are our rooms?

Pretty balcony view.

Close-up of roses.

Piece of wood I smashed into three pieces using the palm of my hand. Yeah!

Me and Katia with Olympic gold medal winner Lauren Burns, who gave us a bit of a martial arts lesson.

Sun setting.

All prettied up at the Casino Royal-themed dinner.

Even under duress, I won’t give up my lip gloss.

Retribution is swift.

View from my window the next morning.

Going for a walk around the property with Katia and Shaden.

I also stopped at a winery on the way home and stocked up on some red, white and dessert wine. Does an offsite get much better than this?!

Last Day in Tokyo

So sad that our last day came so quickly. We spend the morning visiting the Tokyo Google office and Alec’s Sysop friends. We had a great time and had some of the Japanese mysteries explained to us. No-one could explain what the mystery slime that kept appearing on our food was however.

We then caught the monorail to Odabia, a man-made island that is an entertainment district. We didn’t have much time so we only went to one place, Miraikan, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Alec in particular really enjoyed the museum, particularly because of the robots.

The airport was our next stop and then finally home the next morning.

Tokyo – Christine’s Day Out

Today was my turn. We started the day in Harajuku, which is where all the trendy boutiques are. It’s kind of like Newtown. I found an awesome little shop where I bought a few very pretty vintage lace things. Maternity-style lace dresses are all the rage here. While it looks awesome on tiny skinny girls, it looks stupid on a tall medium white girl.

After Harajuku we stopped in Shibuya to see the statue of Hachiko, a famous dog, and to see the also famous Shibuya crossing – a five-way crossing streaming with hip teenagers.

Next stop was the Tokyo metropolitan Museum of Photography where they had three exhibitions: Surrealism and Photography: Beauty Convulsed; Mariogiacomelli; Secrets Unveiled Images from the Forbidden City. All very cool, particularly the first two.

After our cultural stop we caught the subway to Roppongi Hills and rode up 52 floors to the Tokyo City View – a 360 degree view of Tokyo. The weather turned bad unfortunately, so it was really cloudy with poor visibility, but we still waited for the sun to go down and watched all of the lights turn on. Beautiful!

Tokyo – Alec’s Day Out

We decided to take turns in a manner of speaking, at deciding what to do each day. Today was Alec’s day, so we went to the Imperial Gardens, where they had beautiful flowers in the castle ruins. We then focussed on electronics.

We started at the Sony building – seven of so floors of Sony electronics – for Alec to try on their super-wizz-bang headphones, and then to the Apple store, where they had five floors of Apple wonderfulness.

Next was the electronics district where Alec found some games and gaming insanity all around, and ended it all up with going to our new favourite store, Bic Camera, for seven floors of electronics mayhem, which is where we bought a speaker set for our iPods/iPhones. Cool! MUCH shopping!

Snow Monkeys to Tokyo

We woke up to a brilliant blue sky and took off for Jigokudani, the area where the wild snow monkeys live. A nature reserve was set up in 1964 for this family of monkeys and they come every year, around 200 of them, to bathe in the hot springs during the cold months. They are technically wild – you definitely wouldn’t want to try and touch one – and run free, but the people who work there occasionally give them fruit to entice them to the area.

The snow monkeys – Japanese macaques – are amazing. Really cute little critters with red faces. They were completely fearless and ran around with no regard for any people there, playing, pulling each others hair, rolling all over the ground with each other, but you definitely wouldn’t want to try and touch one of these critters. The warnings all over the park said “We are not loveable monkeys. We bite.”. We say one lady go to pat one then freeze with her hand extended as the monkey she was going to pat opened up its mouth in response and bared its teeth ready to bite … The monkeys were fascinated by the camera phones that all of the Japanese people there had to take photos with. The phones were so shiny and all had dangly bling on them – just the kind of thing that attracts a monkey! We wondered how many people had lost their mobile phones to monkeys …

After the amazing monkey experience Alec and I travelled to Tokyo by bullet train. We arrived in the early arvo, just in time to drop our stuff off at the hotel and go shopping. We found the Sanrio building after a few false starts, where I went completely bonkers buying Hello Kitty stuff.

Tokyo first impressions are great. Amazing vibe to the city, and with the awesome weather finally back, we can really enjoy it.

Trains, Trains and More Trains

Another long day in transit. What we thought would take us around four hours actually took eight. We travelled today from Takayama to Yudanaka, which is an hour out of Nagano.

We stayed in a cute little ryokan / hotel with the sweetest staff. Their English was terrible but they were amazingly friendly and were trying so hard to make sure we had a pleasant stay, including walking us to the door of a restaurant they recommended to us and speaking with the owner inside.


The sun came out today just in time for being touristy in Takayama. We spent the morning wandering around the markets and old town, where they have preserved the buildings and so on, then took a short bus ride out to Hidanosato, which is also called the Hida Folk Village.

The folk village is a collection of homes and mills etc from around the 1600’s that were moved from wherever they were originally built in the region to this site for preservation. The result is an open air museum that shows the way that people lived in the area several hundres of years ago. It was worth the long trip just to see this.

Alec and I walked back from Hidanosato into town then embarked on what looked like a walking path on our map. Problem was it took us an hour to find the start of the walking trail as our map was not accurate and mainly in Japanese. Oh well! We eventually found the trail and walked up to the castle runs, which were literally “ruins” as there was absolutely nothing of the castle left. Interesting!

Kyoto to Takayama

More rain again!! We slept in, had breakfast (mmm toast! Who would have thought toast would be such a luxury!) then made our way to Takayama, in he mountains. Several trains and hours later we arrive – to MORE rain!! We had a quiet arvo and chilled out together at the hotel before venturing out for an amazing meal.

Takayama is pretty touristy. Downside – things like food are double the price. Upside – lots of people speak excellent English. The restaurant we ate at tonight was a prime example. The food was REALLY pricey for Japan, but it was really delicious so we felt it was worth our while. We ate traditional food of the region – Hida beef for Alec and mountain vegetables for me. I seemed to get some really odd things like mountain ferns … is this really what people up here eat?

Soggy in Kyoto

The weather turned during the night and we woke up to chilling winds and rain pelting down. It hasn’t let up all day.

We did venture out and went to the golden pavillion, which was amazing, but we were so cold and so wet that we had to come back to the hotel for warmth.

Where did the sun go? Why are we doomed to have wet holidays?