Being three is tough. You’re not a baby any more, but you’re not a big kid yet, either. You’re expected to do what you’re told, but now you have mind of your own. Uh-oh! Here are 30 times when, for a 3-year-old, the struggle is real. #firstworldtoddlerproblems
- When there’s no whole milk left, only skim.
- When Netflix is down and there’s no more Barney.
- When you want a banana and there are no bananas left. And no, you don’t want a pear/grapes/apple. Yuck!
- When you drop the last goldfish on the ground and your parents won’t let you eat it.
- When you take your shoes off but can’t put them back on.
- When your head gets stuck in the t-shirt hole.
- When the iPad runs out of batteries.
- When you want to keep playing but mom says it’s dinner time.
- When you glue your art project to your pants.
- When your latest artwork (with pens and furniture) gets you in trouble.
- When you wanted an Elsa doll and got Anna instead.
- When your pants tag itch your skin so much that you need to take your pants off.
- When you’re strapped in the stroller and drop your lovie.
- When you peed in your pants because you didn’t want to stop playing to go to the potty.
- When you drank full strength juice and bounced off the walls.
- When you fell asleep in the car seat and woke up epically grumpy.
- When you didn’t nap at all and were even grumper.
- When you have hanger all. day. long.
- When your lovie gets so worn it falls apart.
- When you wanted to press the elevator button and someone beat you to it.
- When Mom turned the TV on when you wanted to do it.
- When you want to wear a blue tutu to school and you don’t even own a blue tutu.
- When your night light goes off in the middle of the night.
- When you get your hair brushed.
- When you have to share your toys.
- When someone else sings your song, “Let It Go”.
- When you only want to eat rice crackers and your parents feed you vegetables instead.
- When you get served peas for dinner.
- When it’s too hard to decide between a ponytail and a braid.
- When no one can understand what you’re saying but you’re speaking loud and clear.
This article was first published on MommyNearest.