The Brunch With My Baby team are thankful for our own fathers today. In honor of our own awesome dads, we wanted to share some of our favourite memories from our childhoods.

I spent a lot of my childhood dancing and performing on stage, and my dad never missed a performance. Every show, there he was, right in the front, with his giant camera capturing every jazz hand and fan kick. I really appreciated the effort he made to learn and appreciate the world of dance! He also inspired my love of photography and taught me how to use a camera—an immeasurable gift given that photography is one of my greatest loves today.

My memories with my dad all have to do with creativity. I remember him making a giant maze of cardboard box houses in our basement for my brother and I, writing songs together, and singing them with him accompanying me on guitar, and talking about writing and our favorite books together.
As for our own toddlers’ fathers, here is what’s on today’s menu:

Baby J’s dad will be spending Father’s Day the way he loves best: With an early morning trip to Russ & Daughters where he and Baby J like to sample herring (Baby J likes to eat them whole).

Cheese will be letting her dad sleep in (hopefully!) and helping her mum pack La Patisserie croissants and Brooklyn Fare paninis for a picnic in Prospect Park (if the weather holds!).
We hope you enjoy today with your family. What do you have planned?
Christine + Alexis