Adventure, baby!

Month: June 2008


My brother Tim and sister-in-law Michele are in town. It’s been so great catching up with them and having my family all together – first time every we’ve all been together. I’m sad they’re going home on the weekend already.

The Incredible Hulk

I hated the first Hulk movie. I watched it on TV and changed the channel. Alec, however, loves the Hulk, so off we went to watch the latest incarnation of the big green beast.

I was so pleasantly surprised to find that it was an enjoyable movie. Edward Norton is such a classy actor, so his performance alone was riveting. There was lots of action, a splattering of soul searching and a dash of true love – everything you want from a super hero movie.

Alec was stoked that there was a “Hulk … smash!” line that made the final cut, and I was happy to see that there are more super hero movies in the works!

Engagement Celebrations

Last Friday night we went over Beverly’s new place to celebrate her engagement to Chris. Beverly decided to make us pizza from scratch – supreme for everyone and vege special for me.

Ready to go in the oven.

Cooks hard at work.

Note the pretty wine glass charms – made to look like donuts.


Why hello there fuzzy thing.


Nom nom nom.

Attempt at being arty.


Can’t wait for the wedding now!

Photography Class – Fashion?

Tonight’s class was how to shoot for fashion. The lighting set-ups were a lot of fun and really useful – I have so much to learn!

Our model wasn’t really a fashion model – or a model at all it turned out! She was a 5’2″ film student from France… Still, she was very obliging and tried her best to make 10 students happy 🙂

Here are the results of my attempt. I’m quite happy with the pics except that the background doesn’t look as white as it should – I will have to do some re-touching in my old friend Photoshop I think!

Pugs in Fashion

I have a pug obsession. And a clothes obsession. Combine them and you get this photo shoot from Vogue Italia, by Steven Meisel and featuring Linda Evangelista.

SATC – The Movie

In the years since Sex & The City ended, I’ve watched all of the episodes many times over. I’ve been awaiting the return of these old friends for a long time!

I took some clients of mine to see the movie in Gold Glass for a treat – my first Gold Class experience. It’s pricey, but so worth it! The seats are like reclining lounge chairs and there is a lot of space between the chairs and rows so it almost feels like your own private theatre.

The movie itself was OK – not brilliant but enjoyable. It really was like catching up with old friends. I thought it could have been a lot wittier – they had a lot of jokes but they were cheap shots in my opinion. I also thought the over-riding themes of forgiveness were too strong. Miranda gets cheated on and Carrie gets left at the alter – but both are urged to forgive their partner. The feeling that was being portrayed was “you’re getting old, you have to compromise now” rather than feelings from their earlier episodes when they would have ditched the guys pronto.

I did however enjoy the movie in total and will watch it again. The clothes were great, Charlotte was fabulous and I always love seeing NY in movies.

Random Sydney

Just a few pics from the weird weather lately.

This one was driving in to work this morning. The fog right now is amazing. I can’t see out my office window.

Sunset yesterday – love the colours and light!

Cafe Sydney

I love to eat. I am a fussy eater but I eat a lot of the few foods I love.

One of the benefits of my job is I now get to occasionally eat at restaurants that I would otherwise never be able to afford, such as Cafe Sydney at Circular Quay. They didn’t have much food catered to vegetarians, but I still managed to find plenty to scoff down.

Tomatoes with buffalo mozzarella, basil, aged balsamic and extra virgin olive oil.

Peppered wagyu carpaccio, truss cherry tomatoes, olives , baby capers, pecorino, horseradish and lemon dressing.

Seared scallops, mushroom and pancettea tart with a green pea sauce.

Zucchini flowers with gorgonzola and ricotta filling, tomatoes and olives.

Grilled tuna with salt cod brandade filled zucchini flower, kipfler potatoes, peas and salsa verde.

Mashed potato and steamed greens.

Roasted lamb rack with confit shoulder, jerusalem artichoke and jus.

Bitter chocolate ganache tart with honeycomb iced parfait . DELICIOUS!

Strawberry and vanilla trifle with moscato and meringue sticks.

Chocolate pudding.

View from our table.

Even on a cloudy day the view is amazing.