Adventure, baby!


Birthday in Melbourne: Day 3

My birthday fell on day 3 of our Melbourne trip. We had a sleep in, breakfast in the hotel, and then sauntered off to the Tim Burton Exhibition.  I’ve always admired his films, so seeing his artwork on loan from personal collections was quite amazing. I found it entertaining picturing him as an animator for Disney, seeing as his personal style is quite the opposite.

I felt most inspired seeing the exhibition, as Tim Burton has clearly worked extremely hard to get to where he is. For every success he has had, he’s had more than double the amount of projects go nowhere. His passion and skill have taken him to where he is, also his tenacity. It reminded me to be stronger and not give up on my dreams.

Hello giant blow-up scary person.

“Nananananananana BATMAN!”

My favourite quote of the day, overheard in the exhibition: “Did he do Shrek?” Lol.

After the exhibition we wandered around some more on the river banks until the sun went down.

The Yarra.

Very scenic.

As CBD as it gets.

Pretty bridge makes for nice photos.


It’s my birthday and I’ll pose if I want to.

And make my husband pose too!

Another graffiti wall.

Outside the ACMI building – such a cool design.

I lurve you blob!


We didn’t exactly see eye-to-eye, lol.

Run, husband!

Blobs make for handy seats too.

And then SHE said …

After much wandering, we had dinner at the very funky Fifteen. I love Jamie Oliver, so was keen to try his restaurant.

The restaurant was excellent. Stylish, great vibe, fabulous service. The food was really great, interesting recipes rather than the stock standard type, particularly for the veggo options.

What is down the stairs?!

Happy birthday to me! (This may have started out as “happy birrhday” …)

Another year older …

One more pose for the road. Happy, well-fed and slightly tipsy.

Even the restaurant had graffiti art …

I’m on a tram!

Back at the hotel – Alec and the frog, together at last.

I wore out my husband …

Thanks so much for the fantastic weekend away Alec 🙂 xox

Our 6-Month-versary in Parramatta Park

The past six months have flown. I can’t believe we’ve been married for half a year already. Amazing.

We wanted to do something a bit fun for the occasion, so I booked lunch at Lachlan’s Restaurant in Parramatta Park since we had promised to drop by the Winterfest afterwards to see Daniel’s group, the Orion Consort, perform.

Lachlan’s is smack bang in the middle of Parramatta Park. The building was once Lachlan Macquarie’s old government house. It has been resorted and turned into a restaurant. Thankfully, the old world charm remains. 

Strolling across the park, on a stunning winter’s day, towards the restaurant.

Tables set up on the balcony.

We were a bit early, so took a stroll around the property. The restaurant sits on Parramatta River. Very picturesque.


Dappled husband!

Happy 6-month-versary husband!

Looking out over the river.



Our cosy table by the fire.

Herb bread with sun dried tomato. Very nice, fresh bead.

Potato and cauliflower soup with croutons. This was sensational. Creamy, thick and steaming hot.

Fish and chips.

Pumpkin and ricotta tart. It was a bit over-cooked sadly. I’ve eaten it before at this restaurant and it was sensational.


Coffee for the coffee bunny.

Money shot.

Sticky date and banana pudding. It was quite nice, but could have done with a smaller cake portion and more sauce. It was a little bit dry.

After lunch we walked over the bridge to Winterfest.

Not much I can say about this.

After drinking almost an entire bottle of wine, I was in a very cheery mood – perfect to enjoy the festivities.

Erm .. an Anglo Saxon?

Let the blood fest begin!

The Orion Consort. Very nice performance guys.


I love you husband 🙂

Dessert with Adriano Zumbo

I have long been a fan of Adriano Zumbo, the fantastic pastry chef based in Rozelle. I found a cooking class he was taking at the restaurant under my building – Signorelli. An evening with Zumbo? Who could resist?

The unlikely celebrity, Adriano Zumbo.

The class fell on an evening with torrential rain. Many people were running late – including the star of the night. Adriano arrived, full of apologies and bearing several trays of intriguing looking ingredients.

Adriano demonstrated two desserts that he had created just for the occasion. A new version of tiramisu and a lemon curd tart with olive oil sorbet.

Watching Adriano in action was fascinating. The softly-spoken man had the room’s attention with his every move and word. Several members of the class were scribbling down notes furiously, asking questions that would help them re-create the recipe at home. I happily know what my baking limits are, so was content instead to photograph and listen to the words of wisdom the great chef had to depart on us.

As he cooks, Zumbo shares his tips and stories of his childhood. He tells us about his time in France and his dislike for their huge food wastage. After he mentions this I notice as the night goes on that nothing goes to waste. Any extra material is boxed up in plastic containers for re-use. Burnt pine nuts are salvaged.

Most interesting is watching Zumbo crack open eggs on handed, with the reflex of one who has cracked more eggs than I shall ever consume in my lifetime. He shows us how to separate the yolk using our hands for a cleaner separation (some recipes require the yolk and egg white to be cooked at different temperatures, so having bits of white left on the yolk can spoil the dessert).

Zumbo whisks up the first of many frothy components.

The finished product, “tirimisu”.

Lemon curd tart with olive oil sorbet.

After the two-hour class, we get the chance to speak with Zumbo. He is humble about his success and thanks us sincerely for coming to his class. We bow in worship a few times before heading out into the cold night.

I meet the genius.

Ground floor of Accenture/Google Building
Trouton Place Pyrmont NSW 2009
(opposite Metcalfe Park)
P: 02 8571 0616

Return to Gunners’ Barracks – High Tea

The wonderful folks at the Gunners’ Barracks gave us a complimentary Champagne high tea as a thank you gift after our wedding, so we decided to use it to celebrate our three-month-versary over Easter weekend.

It was a bit of a gray day, but the view still looked spectacular.

The husband. Musing over the last time we stood in this exact spot three months earlier.

Elegant china.

Tasty savories – scones, curry triangles and cheese tarts.

The sandwiches and delicacies came wrapped in a napkin to protect them from the predatory kookaburras. The waitstaff told us they liked to target the sandwiches… we laughed and started to eat up. True to the warning, a kookaburra swooped in and snatched a sandwich off a plate and took off before I caught a good look at it. Stealthy little bugger. Seriously impressive sandwich-stealing ninja skills.

The sandwiches – a mere moment before the kookaburra stole one.

Beautiful teas in polished tea pots. Mine was called “blueberry muffin” and indeed tasted like its namesake.

A very civilised way to spend a public holiday.

Amazing view from Georges Head.

I love you husband!

1 Month Anniversary – Ben & Jerry’s

After a stressful week at work, we had a date night at Manly. We had dinner at a great little local joint, then had dessert and Ben & Jerry’s.


I can’t believe it’s been a month since our wedding. It really feels like it never happened sometimes! It feels like we’ve been together forever, and it’s funny to look down at my wedding ring and think “oh, that’s right, I’m married now!”

Summer is slipping away, and the stresses of work, finding a new home to live in (we’re moving this week!) as well as everything else are piling up, making it hard to focus on my personal goals for the year. I feel like I’m constantly waiting till “something” is over to start my dreams “When we’ve moved”, or “when this busy week at work is over”, etc. It’s so hard to find the time to do everything I want, and I’m not sure how to get the time. My goal right now is to spend an hour each night on my projects, but it’s hard after work, particularly after working back late.

I’m trying to focus on what I have to be grateful for this year as well, to help me through the times I have getting through. I’ve started a “gratitude” journal, where I write in it three things I’m grateful for and notes for the day. It’s especially helpful when I’m having a crappy day to write in it to focus on the many good things I have going on in my life.

Australian Food Blogger Award@ La Mint Restaurant

I managed to score myself an invite to the launch of the first Australian Food Blog award category, hosted by the Australian Association of Food Professionals at La Mint Restaurant in Darlinghurst with my friend Forager.

I’ve never been to a food blogger meet-up before, so was super-keen to check it out and meet some more bloggers.

The event was hosted by Australian Pork, and we were shown the new Australian Pork TV commercial before it aired on TV.

Afterward, I stayed for dinner and got to know some excellent bloggers like Peter G from Souvlaki for the Soul and Ed Charles from Tomatom. The food was also excellent – a whole page of the menu devoted to vegetarian options. Yay!

I was inspired to start a new blog just for food, as I find there is a huge lack of Australian food blogs out there. My new blog is Peas For Me – check it out!

ARIA Kitchen Table

A special dinner out with my work team to celebrate an award we won. We booked the kitchen table at Aria. Totally delicious dinner – would definitely go back!


Khacha Thai, Date Night

With Alec working long hours recently, we haven’t had much time to spend together just hanging out. Alec took me to dinner Friday night at one of our fave Thai places in Crows Nest, Khacha Thai. They have amazing service and the food is beautifully presented, plus super tasty.

Vege spring rolls – love the rose!
Vege pad Thai.
Five colours mixed vegetables.
Soft shell crab.
Pigging out at our feast.
Completely stuffed.
Wonderful date night – thank you Alec!!

Fisherman’s Wharf Seafood Restaurant

After my dress fitting last Thursday, I met Lisa and Emma for yum cha at the Fish Markets. Unfortunately I was confused by their website, and they actually only have yum cha during the day – d’oh! We stayed for dinner anyway, and had a vegetarian feast.
Vege sang choy bow – it’s so hard to get this! So tasty.
Standard vege spring rolls. Crisp and tasty.
Bamboo pith with greens. Pith is weird but good!

Vege fried rice.

Nice presentation of fortune cookies.
Lovely girls – thank you for going vege with me!

Sunday Blunch at Not Bread Alone

After a few stressful weeks with me incredibly sick and Alec super busy at work, we finally had a relaxing day together today and spent some time just hanging out having fun.

We had “blunch” (closer to lunch than breakfast) at a fave cafe in St Leonards, Not Bread Alone.

So much spring green on the North Shore.

Alec’s breakfast.

Corn fritters, tomato, hash brown, spinach – my favourite!

I had a great day today – thank you love!