here your eye

I was pretty amazed with the SodaStream when I first saw it selling in department stores in Singapore – “such a simple idea”, I thought, “why would anyone bother buying fizzy drinks from the grocery store after this?”

Turns out the whole make-your-own-sparkling-drinks concept is new to Singapore, but has been around for decades in Europe and Australia. I never knew! Guess I never noticed, because all through years living in Australia, I don’t think I’ve noticed this before.

The SodaStream Source creates sparkling water and sodas in the comfort of your own home.

Designed by renowned designer Yves Behar, the Source is considered an ‘active green’ product (which means that it reduces the impact on the environment).

Personally? What I like most is that it contains only 1/3 of the sugar and calories compared to regular soft drinks.

This is my Starter Kid, that comes in a neat cardboard box:



The metal CO2 canister plugs straight into the back, and you’re ready to rumble! Each canister carbonates up to 60L of water (which is 60 bottles).



I fill my SodaStream bottle with (chilled) tap water, then simply push it up into the SodaStream machine.



To fizz up your water, just press the block (where the kids are pressing in the photo below), and hold it down until the LED indicators light up. The longer you hold it down, the more fizz you get.



It takes about 2-5 seconds to complete, depending on how much fizz you want. And VOILA!!! Fizzy water 🙂



There are a TON of syrups to choose from, but I got Orange Mango and Apple. I fill the lid up with 2/3 syrup (I don’t like my drinks too ‘thick’), pour it in, and slowly swirl the bottle.




Very, very easy, right?

The SodaStream is a HIT at parties, because it makes carbonated drinks in a matter of seconds, and is a sure-fire WOW attraction for the kids. I think they get pretty amazed with the whole gadget and being able to see the fizz and make their own drinks 😉


SodaStream Source PROS:

  1. The physical size of the unit is compact (and gorgeous), and will easily fit on any countertop, or tuck away neatly in a cupboard.
  2. It reduces the impact on the environment.
  3. It doesn’t need to be plugged in or require batteries to use.
  4. It takes around 5 seconds from start-to-finish to make a 1L bottle of fizzy drink.
  5. You have a huge variety of flavours to choose to add in, or simply squeeze in your own orange or lime juice.


SodaStream Source CONS:

  1. The high-pitched squeal it makes those 2-5 seconds as the CO2 is released into the water.


I can’t think of any more cons because, quite simply, this is a winner if you’re a soda drinker and/or have kids. You don’t even need to put the syrups in, you can drink it as-is as soda water!

We’ve used it at a couple of home gatherings and play dates, and it’s been treated with great interest every time. And, admittedly, I love being able to delight my guests and serve fun drinks…. instead of my standard – plain water 😉


SodaStream Source retails at SGD$298 for the metal version, and $208 for the plastic version. It is available at all major participating department stores including Tangs, Robinsons, Takashimaya, OG, Cold Storage and Best Denki.


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