Adventure, baby!

Month: January 2011

Melbourne Weekend

We had booked a weekend in Melbourne to watch the Australian Open looong before we knew about this New York business. It ended up falling on Alec’s last weekend in Australia, so it seemed to be a good way to see him out with a bang.

Sweltering in the tennis. Don’t be fooled, the clothes are for sun protection. It was boiling.

We also spent a day wandering around St Kilda and the CBD, just hanging out.

St Kilda boardwalk.

Luna Park!

The Victoria Art Gallery. Thumper!

We had such a lovely weekend – the perfect way (bar a weekend at the beach!) to spend our last weekend together for a while. Next time we meet, it will be in New York, baby!

Bye Alec!

It’s official, he’s gone! I saw Alec off at the airport yesterday morning after our great weekend in Melbourne. Now the count down is on until I can join him. It’s currently really cold in NY – about -15, the coldest day they’ve had in 6 years. By contrast it’s 32 degrees in Sydney, with 40 forecast for tomorrow. Rug up, husband!

My husband is a Xoogler

We’ve had a huge few weeks. Alec was offered a job in a start-up in New York. We’ve decided to make the big move and give it our best shot! I’m so excited and terrified at the same time.

Alec’s last day was Friday. There’s no turning back now!

This weekend is packing and moving weekend. It is not fun. I’m hot and sticky and tired and over it. After tonight, I will be officially homeless for a few weeks while I try to transfer with work and wrap things up here before moving over to join Alec. At least I’m going to a house of some dear and generous friends of ours with air con and a pool tomorrow – cannot wait! Luxury!

The last bunch standing at Alec’s farewell drinks, held at Gallon in Pyrmont.

First Wedding Anniversary

I can’t believe our first anniversary came around so fast! After an extremely long drive home back from Byron, we were in the mood for some low key celebrating. Alec surprised me by booking lunch at the Gunners’ Barracks – where our wedding had been held exactly one year previously. It was so lovely to be back and just let the good memories of our wedding day come back to us while we ate a delicious lunch.

Alec had been thoughtful enough to ask for a table on the balcony with a view, however the weather turned grey and rainy (just like on our wedding day!) so we moved inside where it was warmer.

Happy first wedding anniversary my husband! I love you more and more every day 🙂

Byron Road Trip 2010

We had a fantastic road trip up to Byron Bay over the Chrissie break. After Christmas Day in Stockton, we drove to Shoal Bay for Christmas night. We found a delicious pizza shop open and gorged ourselves on sweet, sweet pizza.
The next morning we met Alec’s dad and his wife for lunch, before drive up to Port Macquarie for the night. An early start had us on the road to Byron. We spent the next five nights in Byron, walking on the beach, eating, bush walking to a waterfall, walking up to the lighthouse and reading. Exactly what we needed after a stressful end to the year.