Adventure, baby!

Month: April 2010

Happy Birthday Alec!

This week marked my dear husband’s birthday. As a little gift I bought him the Hulk shirt below. It’s a little joke between us because he calls me the Hulk when I’m angry. Better to embrace it, I say!

Hulk Smash!

We then went to dinner at Becasse for their degustation dinner. I chose Becasse because of their excellent reviews and the fact that they had a vegetarian degustation menu listed on their menu as well as the regular one. Score! The food was amazing, especially with the matching wines. The service was outstanding – completely flawless.

Happy birthday my beautiful husband. I love you.

Return to Gunners’ Barracks – High Tea

The wonderful folks at the Gunners’ Barracks gave us a complimentary Champagne high tea as a thank you gift after our wedding, so we decided to use it to celebrate our three-month-versary over Easter weekend.

It was a bit of a gray day, but the view still looked spectacular.

The husband. Musing over the last time we stood in this exact spot three months earlier.

Elegant china.

Tasty savories – scones, curry triangles and cheese tarts.

The sandwiches and delicacies came wrapped in a napkin to protect them from the predatory kookaburras. The waitstaff told us they liked to target the sandwiches… we laughed and started to eat up. True to the warning, a kookaburra swooped in and snatched a sandwich off a plate and took off before I caught a good look at it. Stealthy little bugger. Seriously impressive sandwich-stealing ninja skills.

The sandwiches – a mere moment before the kookaburra stole one.

Beautiful teas in polished tea pots. Mine was called “blueberry muffin” and indeed tasted like its namesake.

A very civilised way to spend a public holiday.

Amazing view from Georges Head.

I love you husband!

Easter Sunday at the Show

Alec spent the previous week sick and started to feel better just in time for the end of Easter Weekend. I had pre-booked show tickets so we went to spend a few hours at the Easter Show before heading out to have dinner with my parents on Easter Sunday.

The show is always fun, but it was a bit of a disappointment this year. The animals were fabulous, but the fresh food dome was lacking in a lot of fresh food! In the place of local cheese and food companies were lollies and bottled spicy sauces. So sad.

I also enjoyed the cakes – they’re always inspiring.


Sushi cake!

Facebook cake? Hmm.

Corn – always a highlight.

Tasty chocolate-dipped strawberries.

I found cows from my old high school. Go Hurlstone!

My matching husband. Thank you for accompanying me.

A quick trip to the animal petting zoo.

Woof – The Dogs Settle In

I’m loving having the dogs living with us. They’re settling in more and more and their personalities are coming out again. Kahlua has been extremely happy as well (she can be moody and depressed, so it’s great seeing her so happy all the time). I play games with Kahlua each morning when we get up. She likes playing fetch with her rope – I captured her playing in the little videos below.

Fadhila’s Trivia Night Birthday

My friend Fadz had a trivia night birthday party last week as well, held at the Fringe Bar. It was my first trivia night in a bar, and it was a lot of fun. We started out knowing most of the answers and thinking we were all that, but as the game went on and the questions got harder and we didn’t exactly kick ass like we thought we would. It was so much fun and I would love to do it again.

Happy quarter century Fadhila!

Happy Birthday Mr Cooper

My favourite soulless red friend turned 31 last weekend. We celebrated with a BBQ lunch in the park.

Reds thrive on chocolate.

The kookaburras would swoop down and steal the food off our plates.