Adventure, baby!

Month: January 2010

Nelson Bay Mini-moon

After the wedding, Alec and I head up to Nelson Bay for a post-wedding break. We are going to Hawaii in April for our real honeymoon, so this was just a quick break to de-stress and enjoy being married.

We had originally booked to stay at Amarna Resort, but when we arrived we found it completely unsuitable (no privacy, room with glass wall on the ground floor on a main thoroughfare, over-priced, over-crowded beach). I was pretty upset as it was already 3pm and peak season, so I thought we either wouldn’t find somewhere else, or if we did, it would be just horrible, but we were so lucky and found a two-story apartment vacant at Nelson Bay Breeze Apartments. The apartment was roomy, private, with air-con, and only 200m from the beach.

Dinner at Sanook Thai in Corlette. Excellent Thai food.
Nelson Bay – the end near our apartment.
Checking out my new wedding ring! Every time I look down I can’t believe I’m wearing a wedding band.
Marina at Nelson Bay.
Being sun-safe at Fingal Bay.
Posing. Of course.
Oh hai!
Stunning weather, not another soul in sight.
Wheee we’re married!
Alec jumps for joy at being a husband.
Dinner out at Zest restaurant in Nelson Bay, the wine going to my head.
Climbing to the summit in the national park.
Looking down on Shoal Bay.
Self-portrait as the clouds roll in.
Yay, holidays!
Taking a dip after bushwalking at Shoal Bay.
Sweaty bettys.
Check out the crystal-clear water.
Dinner back at the apartment – pizza and Buffy marathon. Blissful!
Last day – morning tea at the Inner Light Tea Rooms, at the Nelson Bay Inner Lighthouse.

We had such a fabulous, amazing break, where we spent time just enjoying each other and bring married. It was three days filled with bliss, joy, and so much love it was overwhelming. I’m loving being married!

Post-wedding Lunch and Bridge Climb

Since we knew we wouldn’t get to spend anywhere near as much time with our guests as we wanted to, we arranged a post-wedding lunch at Bungalow 8 for anyone who was free to come. We didn’t ask for RSVPs, just hoping that we didn’t turn up by ourselves, lol.

We were surprised and delighted to find about 15 friends and family make the effort to stop by, including several overseas guests. Result!

We had a fabulous relaxing lunch, finishing it up with some wedding cupcakes left over from the night before.

OMG SO good.
Shanghai guests Chris and Bev.
With Lisa and Beck.
My family!
Masa, my NYC guest.
After lunch, Masa, Michele, Liz and I took off to do the Harbour Bridge Climb. Yes this was timing lunacy, but couldn’t be avoided. Masa and I had booked in to do the climb the week before but had such terrible weather we postponed to the Monday after the wedding, when Michele and Liz decided to join us as well.
 Masa and I in our sexy suits.
After the climb, I returned home, legs shaking, delighted that we were heading off on our mini honeymoon the following day …


I can’t believe it’s all over! I’m so excited that everything went so well and all our guests seemed to have a great time. Despite succumbing to nerves myself, I also had a great time – but what makes me the happiest of all is simply that we are now married and I woke up this morning next to my husband 🙂

Arriving home after the reception.
One last photo as a bride…

Day Before The Wedding

We had a MANIC day! Racing around trying to finish everything up.

We started with brunch at the Badde Manors Cafe in Glebe for our bridal party and other honoured guests who were playing a big part in our day so everyone could get to know each other better and thank them in advance for the insanity that was about to ensue!

Squished into the tiny, hot venue. Thankfully the food was great!
Quick pic with the girls before heading off to beautify ourselves.

Final shopping trip before heading home – with Lisa and Bev outside the Strand Arcade.

New Year’s Day

After only a few hours of sleep, we were up on New Year’s Day for lunch with friends. Beverly and Chris had flown in from Shanghai for our wedding and this was our first chance to hang out since they arrived in Sydney. It was the first time that we had all gotten to hang out together since Bev & Chris’ wedding in Singapore.

Since it was a public holiday, we spent the day doing what we used to always do together – eat, eat, and then eat some more. Lisa was lovely enough to host and cook, and we pigged out till we were stuffed…

The girls – stuffing our faces as usual.