Adventure, baby!

Month: June 2009

Date Night – Dugongs!

A lovely date night spent in Pyrmont and Cockle Bay. We started with dinner at Bartino, the Spanish tapas place near work, then walked across to the Sydney Aquarium to see the dugongs I had bought tickets for Alec for his birthday.


Turtle ‘tocks! Apparently turtles wedge themselves in odd positions when they are going to sleep to prevent drifting.

Alec meets the mermaid.

Unexpected party of three.


Last stop, Lindt Cafe, for hot chocolate and chocolate shake for me.

Lovely, lovely evening out 🙂

Liam’s 1st Birthday

A trip out to Bronte today for little Liam Duff’s first birthday party. I just love kids parties with fairy bread everywhere.

Alec and the wee birthday lad.

The sun came out briefly and we stopped by the beach on the way home.

Spice Me Up!

Just a quick dinner at Spice Me Up! at St Leonard with Lisa.

Loved the place setting for some reason.

Tasty vegetarian spring rolls.

Vegetarian Pad Thai. Delicious!

Lisa’s spicy-hot meat salad. Waaaaaaaay too much onion!

Spice Me Up!
1/18 Pacific Hwy
St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia
+61 2 9439 9898

Google Office Opening

We finally held out official office opening today. The Governor-General came in to open the office and kick off the celebrations.

The GG talking to press and Googlers. I’m in the crowd on the far side in a pastel pink jumper.

GG signs the doodle.

The GG with her lovely shoes – the talk of the day.

Interesting photo of me meting the GG.

It was my job to present how Google search works to the GG. A lot of stress for a five-minute presentation!

Video of the office moving.