For the second year in a row, Alec’s mum and uncle joined me and my parents for Christmas day.

Jan lives in Stockton, so we picked her up from Hornsby station and drove us all out to my parents’ house on Christmas eve.
Initially I had no idea how this kind of arrangement would work out, but it was the only option that I could think of where everyone would get to spend the day with those most important to them. Luckily, it was a great idea, and for the second year in a row, was a great success. 
My parents love a traditional roast turkey and baked veges on Christmas day, so feeding me is a challenge they are not overly impressed about. I was prepared however and came armed with a faux schnitzel at the ready. Is it as tasty as turkey? Hell no, but does it make me feel better about myself for choosing it instead? It sure does, and holding on to that thought was what got me through watching everyone else eating the sweet, fragrant meat.
I made an ice-cream and berry frozen cake for dessert – which was a great idea when we were planning for a 30-plus degree day, but the temperature didn’t pass over 25, which was a huge disappointment. I love a stinking hot Christmas day!
There were far too many pressies, lots of tasty food (I made have eaten an entire block of cheese), and a lot of puppy love as well. A really great Christmas day!
My little family!

With my dear girl, Kahlua.

And with my amazing mum.

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