Adventure, baby!

Month: July 2008

Dinner at Bev’s

Bev and Chris invited us over for dinner – a traditional Singaporean dish I can’t remember the name of, but it was very tasty!

Bev fries eggs.

My chopped veges. Very neat, eh?

“Why don’t you guys lend a hand?”
“Everything here looks A-OK.”


Veges cooking away.

Bev’s an awesome cook.

Lisa and I took a lot of photos while we were cooking. Industrious workers? Mmm maybe.

Noodles – cooked and ready to go in.

Stir stir stir! Bev is preparing my vege version on the left. Thanks Bev!

The tofu and chicken version.


My delicious vege version ready to eat.

Bev’s adorable dessert forks.

Lisa made these pecan butter treats.

SMOTHERED with double cream.

A cook tasting her treats.

Yum yum yum.

Why are we such weirdos?

Ferrety fun!

T-rex ferret.

Ninja ferret!