Adventure, baby!

Month: January 2009

Max Brenner Chocolate Cafe

After watching Gran Torrino at Bondi Junction on Australia Day with Alec, Jan and Uncle, we stopped in at the Max Brenner Chocolate Cafe.

I had a hot chocolate with waffle balls (delightfully sweet and milky with crunchy waffle balls) in a Hug Mug, and shared strawberries and chocolate with Alec. All I can say is yum, yum, yum!

How cute are the Hug Mugs? I bought a pair to take home with me so we can enjoy hot chocolate in them next winter.

So many lovely chocolatey things!

See, chocolate is good for you! Max Brenner says so ๐Ÿ™‚

Canberra – Day 2

It’s off to the National Art Gallery to see the Degas exhibition. It was definitely worth the long drive down! We joined a tour group and learned a great many things about my favourite artist.

Following the art gallery we took a walk around the Old Parliament House Gardens and had a look at the hundreds of roses that are planted there.

A visit to our nation’s capital isn’t complete without a trip to Parliament House. We had a quick look around, walked over the top, and stopped for lunch. We hadn’t intended to stop there at all, but I’m glad we did as I found it really interesting.

Last stop in the Berra before our journey home was at Koko Black, a chocolate cafe recommended to me by a work friend. It’s a Melbourne company and has yet to open in Sydney. I was a bit of a glutton and ordered way too much, but I wanted to try a few things.

I wasn’t disappointed that’s for sure! The ice chocolate I had was amazing and filled with two different types of ice-cream. Alec’s ice coffee was also great, and the ice-cream martini we shared was absolutely fantastic.


I can’t remember the full name of this, but it was a delicious caramel ice-cream made on the premises with coconut and chocolate and possibly something else.

Gone in 60 seconds!

Lots more chocolate!

After Koko Black we slowly drove back to Sydney … after an immensely enjoyable Canberra mini-break.

52 Bessings – Week 4

My friends – I’m lucky that I have made some amazing friends over the years and I have friends who have been in my life since I was five.

With my closest friends at my 29th birthday.

Canberra – Day 1

Alec and I drove down to Canberra to check out the Degas exhibition for the Australia Day long weekend.

It’s a loooong drive from Chatswood, so we drove to Warwick Farm Friday after work, and then set out this morning so we didn’t have to rush.

We arrived in the Berra around lunch time and went straight to the Australian War Memorial.

I found the war memorial very interesting – there was so much to see however, we ran out of time. A highlight was watching the lone Scot piper playing a lament at the tomb of the unknown soldier – very moving.

After a solemn afternoon we had dinner and raced to Telstra tower to catch the sunset. We were a little late and only caught the last light of the day, but it was still a great view.

52 Blessings – Week 2

The other most obvious blessing in my life – Alec. I’m thankful several times every day for the joy, peace, love and laughter that he has brought into my life.

I love you brain ๐Ÿ™‚

The Counter, Crows Nest: A Final Farewell for Beverly

Pics from one last lunch with Beverly and Lisa before Beverly takes off to Shanghai. We had to check out a new place at Crows Nest, The Counter – custom burgers.

Lots to chose from!

’50s style diner.

Sweet potato and onion rings.

Most awesome shakes ever!

Fries with cheese – a bit oily and could do with more cheese.

Lisa’s burger.

My vege burger – dissected.

Beverly’s burger.

My final Tokidoki bag! I got it for a great price on eBay.

Photo Assignments

Some ideas to inspire me on days when I’m not doing anything.
  • Photograph five different birds on the same day.
  • Take a picture of the back of your head.
  • Take a photo lit only by flashlight.
  • Take a walk until you see your favorite color, then take a picture of it.
  • Photograph 5 different flowers on the same day.
  • Capture the sunlight in an usual way – indoors, through a tree, behind an object.
  • Create photos representing 5 moods – angry, sad, happy, nostalgic, etc
  • Capture four seasons in one day.
  • Give an inanimate object a personality.
  • Bring to focus something usually overlooked.
Borrowed from Photojojoย and added to.