Adventure, baby!

Month: December 2007

Easy Like Sunday Arvo

I had the puppies this weekend so Alec and I took them to lunch at The London in Rozelle with some friends. The London is a pretty cool pub – mostly because it allows dogs inside. The food was a bit pricey, but was still nice, and the company was great.

Girls looking glam.

The boys at the guys’ end.

I try on B’s sunnies.

Profile view. I think I must get a pair.


All of the food groups. Sugar, chocolate and fat.

My boscaiola. It was supposed to be with chicken. I asked for it without chicken and they gave me bacon instead. Weird.

L’s vege nachos.

Alec’s schnitzel.

Dessert – mousse. It was yummy. Not sure it was $13 yummy, but still good.

The girls chill out.

Pat me muuuuuuum.

The girls meet a new friend. Butt-sniffing ensues.

B makes some new friends.

Chocolate Heaven

Alec and I stopped at San Churro again today for chocolate.

I think I will adopt this as my motto.

The “Hot & Cold” – hot chocolate with white chocolate ice-cream.

The awesome mugs. I want one!

Alec tries the “azteca” – it has a bit too much chili in it.


Churros – deep-fried dough with chocolate dipping sauce. Fat with fat. Mmmmmm.

The cafe/store.

The churros being deep-fried.