Adventure, baby!

Month: August 2012

My 33rd Birthday in NYC

Birthday number 33! I can’t believe it. Alec was so great and made a huge effort to give me a wonderful birthday. Unfortunately, both he and Eloise were suffering with a stomach virus, so it ended up being a low key day.

We started with my fave sandwiches and ice tea from Via Quadronne, followed by a stroll through Central Park. We dropped into the Plaza Hotel, and then went shopping at Tiffany & Co.

Hi Eloise! The Plaza Hotel.


Rockefeller Plaza.

A week later Alec and I were able to go out for dinner, to A Voce in Columbus Circle. It was delicious! I had an amazing pasta dish, cocktail and wine, and a delish dessert. Add into that wonderful company, and it was a really great night out.

My dear friend Alexis was super lovely and took me to lunch at Gramercy Park Hotel for a birthday lunch too. The babies caused havoc, but we had a wonderful lunch just the same.

Eloise’s 1st Birthday

A huge occasion – our little Cheese’s first birthday! I’m finding it hard to come to terms with my little baby turning into a toddler. 
To celebrate the day, we had lunch at Artisanal, followed by present opening and a cake smash.

Eloise – Month 11 – 12

My little baby is now 1, and no longer a baby. I can’t call her a toddler yet, I still think of her as my little, tiny baby.
What a big month we’ve had, finishing with her first birthday. She was sick for a few weeks, with her first stomach flu as well as a nasty cold.

We had a lot of fun though, and ate at delicious places like Public, Balthazar, Gramercy Park Hotel, Brooklyn Farmacy, Artisanal, One Girl Cookie.

We also went swimming at the YMCA where Eloise loved being in the water after some initial hesitation.

Our dear friend Lisa Maher visited us this month from Sydney. Together we went to Governor’s Island to see the jazz festival and Central Park.


  • First steps! Eloise started to let go and take solo steps – 3 or 4 at a time. She is more confident cruising around the furniture, using the the walker or holding onto our hands. She charges across the floor while holding onto our hands in particular.
  • New sounds: Eloise is making new noises (like nanana) and high pitched shrieking.
  • Following directions: Eloise is getting really great at understanding what we’re saying. She does things like comes when we call her, stops when we say no.
  • She also shakes her head emphatically for no, nods for yes, points at things she wants very clearly, even the door when she wants to go out. She loves looking at pictures and points to people, so we tell her who everyone is in the photos.
  • So curious. She loves looking at everything, pointing at things that she wants to know more about.
  • Waving at everyone. She’s so friendly and social.
  • Clapping when she’s happy.
  • Babbling happily in gibberish.
  • Giving us hugs! So great.
  • Bouncing up and down to music.


  • The girl loves to eat! She loves things like goats cheese, milkshakes, fruit, goldfish crackers, grilled cheese sandwiches. I have cut out the midday breastfeed, replacing it with more food and cows milk. 
  • She really loves anything we’re eating and drinking, and loves to drink out of my giant Camelbak.
  • Wants to feed herself. Doesn’t like being spoon fed very often anymore.

We had some sleep regression while Eloise was teething or sick, but generally she has settled into a routine where she sleeps from 6:30 or 7pm till around 5:45 – 6:45am.