Adventure, baby!

Month: September 2009

Sushi Train: Chatswood

I’m not a sushi fan, but Alec is, so we stopped by before watching Fame at the movies. While I don’t really like eating sushi, I love the way it’s prepared and enjoy photographing it.

Lane Cove Gourmet Pizza

Our fave pizza place, LCC, recently closed down. We are now searching for a new pizza place. LCG was our test subject tonight – and they were pretty good! I will definitely be back.

Photography Flash Course

I finished my latest photography course this week – Flash Photography. It was only a three-week course, so I don’t have much to show for it except these pics of me.

I’m not sure how I ended up as the subject of these photos, which were taken during our last class, and I’m a bit alarmed at how funny I look. I love the technique behind it however, and am planning on re-shooting these at a later date – with a different model!

Australia vs New Zealand Netball

Alec, Mum and I went to see Australia vs New Zealand on Mum’s birthday and Father’s Day. The first live professional netball game I’ve seen – loved it and I’m planning to see more games next season.